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Jose Villanueva

Don’t underestimate Hohenheim like that ever again lol


Yeah, it definitely doesn't seem fair that Mustang gets to pay a toll to Truth... though I have to wonder if his own guilt played a role here. For that matter, he did get off relatively easily compared to the others, who got incapaciting, perhaps life-threatening wounds from their own punishment. And for that matter, we get to see another alchemist blinded by his own attempt at human transmutation in the OVAs (will you react to those, by the way?), and, well, let's just say there's a difference.


The fact they said they "don't see any way for Al to get his body back" is so good. Every reader/viewer of FMA, myself included, is equally blind and it's just so funny.


Huh, where indeed... I think Funimation had them, but from what I understand, that's no longer a thing. I guess Crunchyroll? Maybe? Sorry to not be a big help for that one, it's been a while. For info, you're looking for four pieces: the Blind Alchemist, Simple People, the Tale of the Master, and finally Yet Another Man's Battlefield. There's also a movie that came out after the series ended... but that one's kind of whatever, to be honest.

Josh Ashford

Just a heads up guys, episodes 63 and 64 have unique end credits so it would be worth watching both