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OMG so excited to watch your reaction!!!!!!!!


What a nice surprise! this is one of my favorite movies of all time, i can't wait to sit down and watch the reaction later.

Roy Mathew

I’m so excited to watch this later. I really appreciate how consistent and quick you guys are.


Btw this movie was made by the same studio that made Violet Evergarden


Another KyoAni Show! They are the best! Hopefully one day we can react to Hibike Euphonium and A place further than the universe (even if the latter isn’t a KyoAni show)


theres an error in the subtitles. On the ferris wheel, nishimiya tells Ueno, "I dont hate you, I hate myself". Which is even sadder. When Ishida sees the footage from the ferris wheel, he says "I want nishimiya to like herself" and not that he wants Ueno to like nishimiya, which is what these subs said

Lala woods

What a nice surprise!! Thank you can’t wait to watch later


The revelation of one of the main characters' entire inner turmoil crucial to the movie's entire point? Probably not important to double-check. Holy crap, this makes me furious.


Wow I've been requestinv for this. Thank you!

Richard Rear

Ueno has not been bullying her the whole time,Ueno never told Shokou to try and kill herself, she only met Shokou 3 times in total since they went to elementry school, once at the crossing, once on the day out and once on the bridge, dont get me wrong ueno is not a nice person. What she did at school was bad she just tried to push her away, what she did on the ferris wheel was worse where she used violence. dont get me wrong Ueno is not nice but she never told shokou to kill herself, some of translations on this film were not 100 percent correct. the film says "i thought you were going to try and kill yourself" thats not what other translations say, its should be more like, you think yu are a heroine because you caused people hurt so you though you should kill yourself. also on the ferris wheel shokou says she does not hate ueno she hates herself. still a very good reaction, Wes picking up how Ishida hold himself like on the train was spot on

Richard Rear

yeah thats a major screw up on the translation, it also explains all the trips out where ishida is trying to show how happy Shokou is making him and trying to cheer her up, its also gives us a head up about how shokou is feeling suicidal


i work in J.P. Morgan and from time to time we hire people who are deaf. The teams get sign language classes and because of the culture its not even something imposed. The teams themselves ask for sign language classes so they can adjust, not the other way around. Just sharing cause we tend to forget people with disabilities should also have a chance of living a "typical" life. And it must be us "typical" ones who should provide reasonable accomodations.

Richard Rear

also when Ishida wakes up and they meet on the bridge this version has him telling Shokou he wants to help her live, the versions i have seen has him saying "i want you to help me live" eg, she has to live so that he can live


Yes, you wildly misinterpreted what Ueno said. When she said "I thought you were gonna die", why on Earth would you hear "I told you to die" - she heard Ishida saved her from suicide and was blaming Nishimiya for causing Ishida's coma, much like Nishimiya herself. Ueno did not bully Nishimiya in the present day, outside of when she took her hearing aid and *claimed* she would throw it. Everyone who watches this film declares Ueno an irredeemable evil monster, but that's absolutely not true. Her "evil speech" in the ferris wheel is literally just her explaining her reasoning from back then - and while she doesn't include an apology, she also doesn't pretend she didn't do anything wrong like the others try to (especially Kawai). She tells Nishimiya she's free to hate her, so clearly she knows she deserves to be hated, and proposes they just kinda "passively" hate each other so that the little circle Ishida has created doesn't fall apart. She's thinking about what's best for "the group", but doesn't intend to lie to Nishimiya or force Nishimiya to lie to her. She was the first to reach out to Nishimiya, mind you. She was helping her with classes, writing in the notebook, all that good stuff. But as it gradually became more effort than she was willing to put in, she started to ignore Nishimiya, assuming she's just gonna go away in response. When Nishimiya was persistent regardless, Ueno started actively pushing her away, not because she hated Nishimiya or saw her as "lesser", but because she just didn't want to be friends and saw her as pushy and clingy and not getting the hint. Of course the part of Nishimiya stealing the attention of the boy Ueno liked (and bullying her being clearly fun for said boy) only encouraged her to do so, but it wasn't her initial motive. When Ueno says "I didn't try hard enough to get to understand you, but you also didn't try to understand me" - that sounds evil, but is somewhat true. Nishimiya, a lonely near-deaf little girl, was so starved and desperate for positive relationships that she pushed herself onto unwilling people. Obviously she couldn't know any better, she was a kid, but that also applies to Ueno back then. You say at one point that Ueno is "allowed not to like somebody, but not to insert herself into their friends circle" - but that's not what Ueno did. She wanted to be part of Ishida's circle and fully intended on tolerating Nishimiya being part of it too, because that's what Ishida wanted. Despite hating Nishimiya, she wasn't gonna bully her or drive her away this time. She learned her lesson from before, when she couldn't just tolerate someone she didn't like being around her and her friends. Sahara ran away and didn't come back until found. Kawai rewrote history and kept presenting her own version, in which she's the good guy. Ueno is the one who actually learned from what she did wrong - she's mean to Nishimiya because she just doesn't like her as a fellow person (treating her like an equal, not as a "victim"), not because she wants her to die. Now that I think about it, a good way to think about Ueno is the opposite of what Yuzuru was at the beginning of the film. Yuzuru didn't care what anyone wanted, didn't care what anyone said, she was gonna do what she believed was in her sister's best interests and screw everyone, especially her old bully Ishida. Ueno is sort of like that, except for Ishida. She believes what's best for him is restoring his old relationships and only begrudgingly accepts that Ishida wants Nishimiya to be part of it as well. When he almost dies, she is quick to blame Nishimiya because what's "best for Ishida" would have been NOT saving her life. Kawai is the actual worst, because she never takes ownership of what she did (and didn't) do. She just keeps on spouting lies and justifications. The one flaw of this film is not calling her out nearly enough.


The part that she said “i like you” and he thought she said “the moon” is because the Japanese word for “I like you (suki)” and “the moon (tsuki)” almost literally sounds the same so that’s why he misunderstood. (Just fyi) :)

angel ˚ ༘ ♡•˚

there’s an anime called anohana, it’s sad but it’s also wholesome! it’s also really short!! only 11 episodes, the summary of the anime is “Five childhood companions reunite when the ghost of their dead friends appears, and demands they grant her final wish.”


Hope you guys check out "Grave of the fireflies" (a studio Ghibli film), definitely will be an interesting watch


A couple things before my real comment. First, when Ishida said yes to her sounding strange, what she said was supposed to be interpreted more like "are you unable to understand me?" So he says yes because he can't understand when she speaks. And rather than it being personal to her, she was speaking to be "normal" and confess like a "normal girl." Second thing is this being a Japanese movie holds a lot heavier connotations than the lens we Americans can perceive so to give an idea; Japanese culture is based around "the whole" and if you inflict yourself upon the group in any way, you are burdening the whole. Therefore, disabilities in Japan are unfortunately treated like "if you exist, you are actively ruining everyone's lives" now obviously not everyone thinks that way and the government is trying to improve that, but that is what their culture trains them to believe. As for Ueno, she felt burdened by Shoko to put it into words what she felt. They were friends at first but because Shoko was a burden, she resented her. Also, because of the "whole" idea, if the majority treat one person bad, they all convert over essentially and so the main method of bullying in Japan is alienation. It's not explicitly said but it's implied that that's what was happening to Ishida. He didn't just alienate himself. He was alienated until high school because in middle school, people (particularly his blonde friend) spread the story. Lastly, communication is huge in Japan and if you can not clearly speak for yourself, it's almost like.. half human? I dunno how to really say that but for eg. The lore around kitsune is you can catch them possessing or pretending to be a person because they can't understand certain speech patterns, so its like a stigma. That is why there's such emphasis to Ueno saying she felt burdened and resents Shoko based on communication apart from that Shoko couldnt read the room. "Like any normal person should" (implied) There are so many nuanced cultural depths I could get into but it would be an entire analysis but you get the main points. But for my personal comment: I always come away from this movie a bawling mess because I'm very much Ishida with a bit of Shoko. I come from an abusive household and was being abused in other ways by a neighbor and through childhood and even up to my young adulthood I was a despicable, angry person. As a child, I was a bully. Not even "shun" bully but like, punching, kicking, fighting, saying horrible things.. gods I was a terror.. I even killed my mom's puppy (a little unintentionally, not understanding death was permanent, but intentional enough that I didn't like it and wanted it to leave me alone so I hurt it) then I started to become aware of empathy and sympathy but also my own anger in 6th grade and I remember being so.. tortured by how much I hated myself and everything around me, I put myself in anger management. I somewhat learned more about how to handle my anger but it wasn't gone and it would come out occasionally in meltdowns where when I couldn't take emotions anymore, I would just scream and throw things and yell, cursing at people and the walls. What really changed for me was when my bf cheated on me.. I layed into him soooo hard. Harder than necessary and the worst part I said that it was because he was such a good for nothing waste of air that his parents were dead.. I found out from his sister he killed himself and I blamed my part in that and broke. I became Ishida. I hated what a monster I was for that and for ruining my parents lives and for the things I did with my neighbor and the way I felt. I tried to kill myself several times, and my meltdowns turned into self destruction instead like stabbing myself with a pencil out of nowhere.. I especially liked how in the show, they portrayed his social anxiety by putting X's over people's faces because that's a lot of how I feel I see the world. I can't look people in the eye or even the face. I walk with my eyes on my feet to this day. And now I'm 30 and more.. stable, seeing the way Ishida see himself as a monster and Shoko as a burden to the point they believe it's better they die.. it brings up a lot of those feelings for me and reminders of that pain that led me there and that pain that followed from being so horrible. Gods, this movie hits me too hard.. lol but now I fully advocate that parents teach their kids empathy because it's common belief that it should be inherent. That humans are born good, but that's no true. It's not always the case and it's a matter of when and how kids learn empathy and if it's before or after hurting someone else... Gods, I'm second guessing posting this but like Steph said with her story, it's real and it may resonate or at least my message of teach children empathy will get to someone. 🥺😣

Cristian Vasquez

This was amazing. I want to recomend this movie called “I want to eat you pancreas”. I know the title sounds wierd but it’s a really good movie.


Well, Wes and Steph have been watching anime with weird subtitles for some time. I noticed this since Oshi no Ko.


Please do! Greatest anime movie of all time imo!!!


Note I'm typing this before I finish. I'm not gonna type as others did about how Ueno didn't want her to die, I think y'all know that by now if you've read those lol However, Ueno is the 2nd "worst" character for morals in my eyes. Kawai is the worst, she until the very end refuses to accept responsibility. Ueno tries to share it by saying they hate each other, which isn't true, but it's cause she's a shitty person. Kawai just outright doesn't accept she was ever bad. I think a lot of the issues were the subtitles y'all had, whatever this is on was genuinely terrible. E.g. in the classroom scene when Shoko gets on top of him fighting back, she says "I'm trying my best" which makes the scene heartbreaking, y'alls just didn't translate it, which made it seem more of her sticking up for herself. Finally, I do hate Ueno for the most part, but Shoko was the reason his friend group broke apart, not by any fault of her own, but as others have commented, in Japanese culture, she's a burden. We in the West know that's not her fault, but the reality is, she is. If you have a person without legs and you're running from a fire and you have to carry them out, you don't think of them as burdensome, but by definition they are. The flaws in Ueno's character are that she lacks both sympathy and empathy, and only views Shoko as a burden, and not for the friend she was trying to be in return. That being said, Ueno was a shit person at the hospital. As others said, she wasn't bullying her post-elementary school, but throwing her into the fence out of anger is stupid too. The better translation would be for this scene actually kinda shows Ueno being mad at her FOR TRYING to kill herself, NOT telling her "omg how did you fail".


Well for Ueno everything was the fault of Nishimiya, the manga is better, because it shows better how the shitty teacher treated Ueno for not being able to follow the class, because she was trying to help Nishimiya, Ueno should have been resentfull against the teacher, but instead she got resentfull against Nishimiya because all Nishimiya could do was give her a fake smile, Nishimiya wasn’t happy, but she didn’t complain about it, later on Ueno loves Ishida, from the beginning and her seeing Nishimiya and Ishida getting along was like Ueno thought « you are trying to steal everything again and then you will break everything once again » they are only kids, it’s only normal for her to react this way, the manga explains everything better, not saying that we should forgive Ueno, but at least we should understand why she is that way, in the movie they made her look the worst kind of people while she’s strugling too, for me Ueno is the worst only after Kawai, the teacher and the friends of Ishida, after everything that happen in the hospital and after Nishimiya went to talk to Ueno, you could see Ueno change a little, because for Ueno it’s the first time that Nishimiya is trying to do the right thing


Yeah totally got wrong about Ueno and Kawai is the worst one, believe me, if you read the manga you will understand why Ueno was so hard on Nishimiya, not saying she was right, but she was understandable, when Ueno and Nishimiya were little, Ueno really tried so hard to help Nishimiya and become her friend, but Ueno can’t stand people who don’t stand up for themselves, Ueno got scoleded so many times by that shitty teacher, because she couldn’t follow the class, but only because she was helping Nishimiya, it was the teacher duty to help Nishimiya but he just let Ueno help her and put an enormous pression on Ueno, Ueno should have blamed the teacher, but when you are a kid you won’t blame an adult, so she blamed Nishimiya for not complaining and only give that fake smile to them, she still doesn’t like Nishimiya, because for her Nishimiya isn’t trying to do the right thing and also because she is in love with Ishida, Ueno was in love from the beginning, but she didn’t want him to hate her so she didn’t say anything and after when Ishida was blamed by everyone, she was afraid to be bullied too, so she just stopped to be close to him, but she was always looking at him, but the translations on this are really off, what she did say was « don’t try to kill yourself for everything you didn’t do right » something in those lines, I believe that Ueno wanted Nishimiya to fight for herself and to stop to self blaming herself, that’s why when Nishimiya came to her with such a resolve that’s when Ueno started to be more invested in Nishimiya, even learning sign language to call her stupid, while Kawai didn’t change one bit, she is still the same horrible girl who would fake singing for Nishimiya to start singing so she could be the good girl of the class