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Chideraa Udegbulem

Claudia family are rich so they protected him Gilbert family is military so they are on the front lines


I think a lot of people miss or don't fully realize that Gilbert & Claudia were close friends. Like this is painful for him too. And he's trying to honor his friend's wish but also probably doesn't want to accept that he's gone just as much as Violet & Gilbert's brother. So I also agree with Claudia waiting to tell Violet about Gilbert & letting her decide for herself what to do. He has probably been trying to find that answer for himself as well.


You touched on an interesting subject about the feelings of regular soldiers toward each other and giving aid to people who are supposed to be you enemy. I've heard stories about medics who've had to treat the people that killed their comrades, and it's so hard for them to do. They're human like any of us, and obviously would want revenge. However, they're out there in order to save lives. They understand that the best outcome a war can have is one where the fewest people die. Soldiers can't let their personal feelings enter it, or else they'd simply feel like murderers.