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25:12 Good catch! It'll definitely be explained later, but yes,some things are just set in stone. Eren said he viewed everyone across the sea as an enemy, but recognized upon traveling the world and experiencing different communities that he admitted that not everyone is evil. Its just unfortunate that those kind of people do not tend to be in power, so when war was announced Eren closed his eyes and knew what he had to do in order to protect his home and people he cares about.

Mesbah Mohamady

For Eren to control the founding titan, he has to touch a (titan) having royal blood, like Dina, but Historia is not yet a titan although having royal blood So if Historai is turned into a titan and Eren touched her, he could then control the founding titan abilities


The Marley arc is just as good as the return to shiganshina arc in my humble opinion. The storytelling is just too good.


Eren is such a masterpiece as a character, they managed to create this dude who you saw grow and somehow at the same time you have no idea what is going on inside his head, so prepare yourselves to be confused!

David Jonsson

An amusing and at the same time somewhat terrifying little trivia. The title of this episode ended up trending on social media to the point it escaped being obvious it was the anime community. A lot of people saw "Declaration of War" trend and thought an actual war had broken out. Yes it feels almost mandatory to bring up every time a new channel reaches this point :D Also I like how Eren reacted when he heard Tybur say "because I was born into this world". That's what Eren himself said back in s1 when he came to his senses and carried the boulder. I hadn't noticed that before, I think. Also a good reason to not kill the titan shifters is because you can steal powers by eating the shifter. Killing them would just cause that power to emerge in a random newborn Eldian. It's funny to me how you said everything up 'til now has been a prequel. I don't entirely agree but I see where you're coming from. And I hope you're strapped in because the remainder is going to be a ride :)

Roy Mathew

In a sermon I once heard my priest said that forgiveness isn’t forgetting what someone did or pretending that it wasn’t serious. It simply means acknowledging that someone owes you a debt personally and then letting it go. As a naive teenage boy I was taken advantage of by someone I considered my best friend, and for years I was angry. Eventually I decided to “forgive” her but I was still struggling to cope from the trauma. I later realized that my forgiveness was incomplete because I still had the expectation that she would apologize and try to become a better person. I was finally able to heal once I let this expectation go including any desire for her to acknowledge what she did or change for the better. I simply moved on with my life and committed to standing up for myself in the future. I understand that as teenagers we were dumb kids and I don’t hold a grudge against her, but at the same time I am going to continue doing what I need to do to protect myself (in this case not let them back into my life). It’s not out of anger and not even personal, it just is what it is. I think Eren was saying something similar to Reiner: I don’t hold you responsible and have no anger towards you personally now but I am still going to do what I need to do to protect myself.


That’s actually such a good interpretation

Noor E

The Tybur’s let Marley have free reign in their future. The Marleyans wanted to take the founding Titan, and the Tyburs didn’t get in the way of what the Marleyans wanted to do.


Harvey Dent's "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Eren lived long enought to become the real villian here and I love it