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I'm going to post this in the three episodes you uploaded today to maximize the chances of you seeing it so apologies in advance, but make sure you watch the Violet Evergarden special between episodes 4 and 5. It fits there continuity wise best and will make things make a bit more sense in terms of Violet's growth as a doll, and it's the order most people react to it in for that reason.

Chideraa Udegbulem

I will also like to add that Gilbert is old enough to be Violent dad so they have love like a family and Violet it human


This is gonna be long. SORRY! People say their love is familial because of the age gap (which I believe people guessed about to be 15 years) but that’s honestly presumptuous. To be honest, there is no definitive answer (at this point in the anime) to what kind of love they had for each other. We just know Gilbert’s love is very deep for Violet based on his last words “I love you” because he says “aishiteru” which is a very intense word for love as a opposed to “suki.” Very rarely would family members ever say that to each other, it’s kinda awkward. A lot of couples have a hard time saying it because the word is THAT deep. You would probably only hear it during proposals or weddings (or when you’re close to death). Basically during a very very heartfelt moment. Certainly not a word to casually throw around, which is a nuance I think many people miss if they don’t understand Japanese. You could say Violet had romantic feelings because she “felt something” when she looked at the emerald brooch, saying it reminded her of his eyes. But that is again another assumption. I mean the premise of the whole show is for Violet to understand human emotions, what love means, what Gilbert’s love means, so it’s not our place (at the moment) to define their love. We are on this journey with her to find out.

Vivi Wu



lol, oh well, it's not a big deal, at least if when watching episode 5 you wondered how Violet got so good or became so known suddenly, you'll have your answer when you watch the special. Just make sure to watch it before the final movie and you'll be fine.


I have been waiting for you both to get to this series! It is one of the most beautiful series I've ever watched and I know at least one of you will be crying as many tears as I did! I was seriously sobbing at the end of episode one because of seeing that memory & knowing just how much it's going to hurt the day she understands what it means. Can't wait to cry enough the alleviate drought conditions once again re-watching the series with you guys!