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Josh Ashford

Haha you thought Jogo wouldn't be strong, he's actually the strongest of all the special grade 'disaster' curses (Jogo, Hanami, Dagon, Mahito), we've only ever seen him fight Gojo though so he was always beaten around lol. But he's insanely strong


I do love seeing reactors seeing how strong jogo actually is


I think what happened with Toji targeting Megumi is he potentially in the strongest between those were present. However the fight got moved outside before Jogo got there. Jogo is hella fast, and I also think zombie Toji just tunnel visions his selected target before going for another.

Ratticus Earl

Jogo would kill almost every sorcerer 1v1. Its just that he fought gojo that made him look weak lol. And also Geto was bascially the girls father, he was reading a parenting book in that scene.


the scream you both let out when nanami was set on fire 😭 but tbh i was sad for the girls too. geto saved them from that village that abused them and he raised them. they were only trying to get his body back since it was being controlled but this was their end :( .


The attachment the twins felt for Geto was definitely not romantic! he raised them, he was also reading a book on parenting in that flashback, he was pretty much their father.

big chungus

pls y'all the relationship between the twins and geto was a parental one! they loved him like a father/ older brother. And the book he was reading in the flashback was called "Colors of a Mother" by Fukumi Shimura.


fun fact: toji's birth was also an anomaly like gojo's multiple events would not and shouldn't have happened due to toji's birth take the hidden inventory arc for example. would geto be the person he became if toji wasn't alive?