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By the way, it wasn't the aphrodisiac that cured him. It was just so that his "tent" would remain pitched until he had completed the mission. His ED was caused by psychological issues rather than a physical problem so no drug/medicine would be able to solve the root cause. It was Sylphie returning and him realising that she really did love him and wasn't going to leave him that has now fully cured him. One thing I loved that I think gets missed by some is that Rudy acts and speaks way more confidently after his ED is cured. It wasn't just his confidence with women that were affected by what happened with Eris and Sara. His confidence was completely crushed in all aspects, which is especially bad as Rudy already has a tendency towards self deprecation. This was made worse when Orsted bodied him easily and then turned into a full on inferiority complex when Eris left him. I've seen it become all but accepted that there was a large drop in production quality this season. I would have to disagree with this though, as the only part that I would consider there to be a considerable drop would be in episode 2 where the quality was worse and it was adapted poorly (Maybe episode 0 as well but that episode was a bit of a special case). I really think that people need to go back and watch whole episodes of season 1 again. A lot of people's complaints of things like still frames, inconsistent faces, cut content and censorship are heavily present in season 1 as well. The few action scenes we got in this cour, aside from episode 2, I thought were very well animated and close to season 1 fight quality. Do you guys think that there was a drop in quality or am I on my own on this one?

Kaasim Alam Baloch

Yes if slyphie wasn't there when he woke up. I hate to think how deep and dark his mental would have went. Sylphie coming back is why she is best girl

Dennis Janssen

Luke actually got that confidence part really well. I mean, Sarah really did "help" ruining his confidence right at the start when he noticed his ed.


I think Rudy joining Ariel is going to make him an enemy of Eris and that's gonna be how they reunite. Oh and as for how young they are, 15 is adulthood in this world. That's why Eris wanted to wait until he was 15 initially. That's how it used to be in rl too, and not far from reality in Japan either. You can technically get married at 13 there.

Austin Logan

Tbh if/when they're not an endgame ship and something catastrophic does happen, I appreciate that they did frame this part's finale to feel so much like it could be a show finale. That way it'll let me feel satisfied burying my head in the sand and pretending anything past it is just a non-canon bonus route/original author-made fanfiction lmao

Austin Logan

> Do you guys think that there was a drop in quality or am I on my own on this one? Yeah like it's def still a great show, but the dip was noticeable enough that I've actually been under the impression it'd changed studios until literally just now when I went to check the name of the new one for this comment. Apparently it is the same one (Bind), but I'd still associated S1 more with their parent studio White Fox since Bind had only just split off when they started it. S2 does have a different director and character designer, though, plus S1 probably had a lot more effort toward needing to make an exceptional splash as the studio's debut title, so that's prob why quality's faltered a bit. Also though while yeah this season did do decently with its fight scenes, my animation complaints were less about those and more that it dropped a lot more of the fine animation detail S1 had for things like swaying wheat fields, Rudy's first water spell, the texture of a tearing chunk of bread, and most egregiously, compare the scene of Sylphie's storm summoning last episode to Roxy/Rudeus' S1 cumulonimbus lmao. Nothing this season really lives up as much to the mana ball and its sky distortions either, though to be fair there's nothing that really happened that could've anyway lol. The switch from fresh montages of establishing shots each episode to a standard reused OP sequence especially cut into the show's overall exceptional feel too. I was also disappointed more about the change in direction/pacing style than animation, though, tbh. In hindsight tbf a huge part of that is prob bc I watched all of S1 after it aired in full, and am comparing that to a season I had to wait for weekly that's only halfway done. But even on the scale of single episodes, the plot density of a lot of S1's often almost felt like movies unto their own always leaving me needing a solid moment to sit and thoroughly digest through, and even the episodes that didn't really have a ton of plot progression per-se packed in a ton of extra worldbuilding and in-depth character development/exploration so that they still felt like a full, satisfying Experience. This season on the other hand constantly felt more like it was stringing along generally leaving on a feeling of "wait what that's already it? when tf will she just tell him already??" and while introducing several interesting characters and world aspects, has left them *much* more superficially explored so far. Anyway though while those complaints are clearly there for me to get into, overall like I said it's still a fantastic show, and there is still a whole second cour of this season that needs to come out before we can really fully compare them. But yeah, if this was S1 then I absolutely would've enjoyed it as impressive for the passing seasonal magic school drama genre, but don't think I'd've felt it leave such a thorough footprint as last one did in the epic saga genre.


About the studio and quality, they had 2 major problems and some minor ones. 1) Season 1 had 4 years of pre production and production, S2 had roughly 1 year. 2) The character designer did a really bad job, the animators had to use Light Novel illustrations as reference instead of the character sheets they normally have. They hired a new a couple of months before the season started. 3) Maybe the biggest problem they had, Cygames is making so much money with their gacha game and the anime for it that they literally paid 2-3x the normal rate for animators to come work for them, they took so many people from so many studios, Bind was left with very little talent to work on the season. Leaks about part 2 production have been very positive. V1 of the blu-ray was released today and from what I've seen from screenshots comparing it to the broadcast they've fixed so many problems with character designs and random inconsistencies.


Really wish you didn't skip opening and ending for the finale(ending last shown episode 11). Both are arguably the best thematical OP and ED I've ever seen. So well done, and any spoilers you were worried about were fully fleshed out after the Nanahoshi episode. I think people would even watch and appreciate a video of you reacting to just the OP and ED.


I don't know about the animation, but story-wise that "curing ed" arc as always seemed to be the weakest arc of the story for me. It's not really bad but I prefer what comes before and what comes after. On one hand the anime skipped a lot of stuff so some scenes aren't very understandable, but on the other hand at least it sped up the conclusion of that arc, for something better (the next part). So it's good. I really look forward to part 2.

tracee miasco

Too wholesome? Don't worry guys, this is just the calm before the storm

Matt Tucker

Ya they should have watched it once at least. It is especially meaningful after finishing this part of the season. Hope they upload a reaction of just watching it. It is really beautiful.

Luiz Henrique Wrubleski

Now we wait for turning point 3, and try be emotionally prepared for turning point 4. The next season gonna be wild.


cour 2 will be in april, cannot wait for your reactions then!

Perry-amos Hepburn

Gotta catch em all, that's all I gotta say

Jorge Morales

I can’t wait for the reactions to the second cour , and season 3 !


Basically, the "professional" Elise was 100% on the mark when she said he needs a girl that he will fully believe will never betray him.

Math Rick

These comments made me look up the turning points FYI don't do that

Matheus de Araujo

AGE EXPLANATION Please read this before going forward to the next half. In the world of mushoku tensei, people are considered adults at the age of 15. It is pretty normal for some to leave home at the age of 10-15. Paul himself left home at the age of 12. Paul was 19 and Zenith was 17 when Rudeus was born, so it is in fact pretty normal to get married at 15-16. I know it is kinda hard to disassociate from our world but it's always good to remember it is a fictional world afterall. If it helps, just pretend they are in the middle to late 20's or something. Great reactions, looking forward to see more of you guys. Keep it up!


It’s not even that remote; two of my grandparents were sent out at the age of 15 or so, across the globe, to work. You really don’t have to go back that far to see that the expected age of responsibility was far lower 60-70 years ago.

Aphelion Audio

she gave fitz 2 asuran gold coins which is roughly 2000USD

Aphelion Audio

the first episode of part 2 is out now, and will be releasing every sunday