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Hope you guys won’t forget to not skip Episode 12 ED


Carla is best mum <3


aww. I teared up when Wes teared up.

Caroline B.

I absolutely LOVE yalls analysis!!! I completely 100% agree with yalls analysis of the love triangle. I CANT WAIT for yall to get to season 4!!!

who O

As the perosn who watch aot servel time, i here confirm Wes dose speak the language that titan understand at 13:17


I honestly have a bit of resentment to being "special" So I had a brother one year before me who died in the hospital because he was born suuuper premature, which my mom had a few miscarriages so she already had trouble giving birth. Following that, she got a partial hysterectomy for medical reasons so she should never have gotten pregnant, but then here I come. I was also premature and almost killed her. She had a lot of medical problems left over from having me, but she had me. So I'm considered a rainbow (miracle) baby and then to top it off I'm extremely advanced compared to other kids but have ADHD. We'll just say my life has been a free fall and my issues with my dad don't help. I'm failing college hard because I just can't bring myself to put in the effort. I know the content but just let myself fail. Then I got addicted to fetanyl for a while and while I am clean, I often wonder why I'm so special. No matter how ugly an accident or situation I should have died in, I don't even get hurt, and so I feel like I'm protected by my brother, but like, why am I living for him? Why did he have to die and my disappointing arse had to live and by living like this when I'm living in place of him feels like I'm disrespecting his memory. So I kinda see things from the other side like "why am I the one with this pressure?"