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Ya, I was expecting Rudy to say something too, but thinking about it, he's kind of broken a bit, so all of that confident righteousness he used to have is gone and I think it was that attitude that made him save the animal people before.

Dank Waifu

In the novel rudy talks about how he doesn't like slavery, there's slot that's missing here that makes it look so much worse, I wonder why the cut it out lol


He lived in the Boreas Greyrat manor for 3 years or so, every beast servant there was a slave they had bought. There are 2 reasons Ruijerd and Rudy cared about the beast kids, no1 because they were kids and Ruijerd loves helping kids, no2 they were kidnapped to be trafficked, which is illegal in that world. Most slaves are either criminals, people who had a ton of debt or starving to the point where slavery was a better option than dying, especially in the northern lands, where the winter is extremely harsh. Rudy was not happy, but accepted that that's how this world works, it's also a very Japanese thing to accept how society does things and not question them much.


As the two who commented above point out, Rudy doesn't like slavery himself, but he recognizes it as a way of the world that he now lives in. In fact, many kingdom's economies are built on slavery in this new world and the industry has the backing of the various governments. Because of that, if Rudy were to attempt to stop the markets in Ranoa he would become a fugitive. Rudy is extremely self-deprecating and doesn't feel like he is powerful compared to others he has met (Orsted, Ruijerd, etc); essentially he feels that by actively rebelling against the government/slave trade he would be committing suicide.


It's very weird they did that yeah, I remember they did another questionable interpretation of the novel in s1 when Rudeus gropes Eris in her sleep, making it look like way more terrible than it was. I wonder why they do that, the characters are grey enough morally (which I rather like) that they don't need to be depicted as even darker without any scenaristic reason. Here it may just be that the studio was clumsy, after all culturally slavery isn't really a big topic in Japan, it doesn't have the same aura as in the west.


Oh, I've read the novel only past a certain point and I've always thought the maids in the Boreas family were actually hired workers.

tracee miasco

Its better that they didnt show Eris actually letting Rudeus do it in her mind. Its too cliche and already been seen in a lot of ecchi shows. Its also better because it just means more character development from Rudues. From ultra degen to just a degen to a normal human being lool

Matt Tucker

They are, other nobles may buy them, but Phillip even says that learning beast is great for hiring help.


In the beast village, they were being kidnapped and forced into slavery. This is legal slavery. Not the same thing.


Julie btw, is essentially a daughter to zanoba


I will explain for the people of the United States, in the rest of the world slavery was not exclusively for some races or skin colors, I am white and in my country almost all ancestors were once slaves of each other, there is no one to blame, everyone was guilty and everyone was a slave, it is such an ancient history that there is no acrimony left and in such fictional worlds it is perceived as a normal thing, just like the existence of nobles. It's only in the United States that this is still a painful topic, because slavery was for a specific skin color and because there are still people alive who saw unequal rights, such as segregation


One thing that might make this show easier on your stresslevels, is this show definetly is for portraying emotional growth for everything and everyone. Also when you don't get Rudy's thoughts it is to make us feel uncertain and uncomfortable because in the end insecurity is one of the biggest emotional burdens we all have and don't know how to deal with. If you've seen the the show Attack on Titan I'd say they make a point about how everything in the end is about connection and how we can get manipulated to do heinous things backhandedly cause of the urge for connection, the loss of of connection the longing for connection. Great show and great story point but not sure that everyone got that point.

Aphelion Audio

sunglasses dont exist in that world, hence why people find fitz glasses strange, and why she was confused about his phrasing of sunglasses, but in the novels they are alluded to being a magical pair of glasses that show her where the princess is

Aphelion Audio

you are correct that rudeus doesnt CREATE matter he just pulls the elements from his surroundings, which he does understand, its just not mentioned in the anime, but because hes from modern day earth he has a understanding of science and thats why hes so good at magic and incantationless spells, because he can visualize how it all works

Aphelion Audio

also as for rudys view on slavery, in the novels, he wasnt thrilled about the concept, but he also understood that in a medieval society thats just kinda how things are, and its not like he can just violently overthrow a whole country because slavery makes him feel bad


They weren't slaves. They were servants. Also this is a different world. If you stopped trying to compare it to ours, then you might comprehend some things

GTB (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-06 14:49:55 As other reviewers point out, in the Light Novel, Rudy is uncomfortable with slavery but doesn't really see what he can do about it in a world where it's normal and everywhere. It's not mentioned in the anime because the studio has a format to maintain and has to make choices. There are a LOT of things in the Light Novel that don't appear in the anime. Rudy can at least save Julie, who will never be considered a slave. Rudy will see to it that she is raised, educated and treated well. She'll be almost like a daughter to Zanoba, who will evolve through her contact and his responsibilities. And about Rudy not recognizing Sylphie, there are several reasons: the last time Rudy saw Sylphie they were both 5, she was a green-haired girl, he has no reason to think Sylphie might be at the academy, no reason to think that if he ran into her he wouldn't recognize her and she wouldn't recognize him, Mister Fitz is a man (in Japanese, she uses the masculine pronoun, and everyone refers to Fitz as a man, and as Sylphie doesn't have many curves, the illusion works), Fitz has grey hair, always wears sunglasses, he's the bodyguard of the princess of the Asura kingdom. And, by agreement and friendship with Ariel, Sylphie is forbidden to reveal her identity to anyone.... ...and fun fact, actually very few people recognized Sylphie in Fitz when they saw her in season 1, when Eris's grandfather was beheaded. Hey yes, she was there and we saw her very clearly, with Luke and Ariel ^^.
2024-06-02 02:12:08 As other comments point out, in the Light Novel, Rudy is uncomfortable with slavery but doesn't really see what he can do about it in a world where it's normal and everywhere. It's not mentioned in the anime because the studio has a format to maintain and has to make choices. There are a LOT of things in the Light Novel that don't appear in the anime. Rudy can at least save Julie, who will never be considered a slave. Rudy will see to it that she is raised, educated and treated well. She'll be almost like a daughter to Zanoba, who will evolve through her contact and his responsibilities. And about Rudy not recognizing Sylphie, there are several reasons: the last time Rudy saw Sylphie they were both 5, she was a green-haired girl, he has no reason to think Sylphie might be at the academy, no reason to think that if he ran into her he wouldn't recognize her and she wouldn't recognize him, Mister Fitz is a man (in Japanese, she uses the masculine pronoun, and everyone refers to Fitz as a man, and as Sylphie doesn't have many curves, the illusion works), Fitz has grey hair, always wears sunglasses, he's the bodyguard of the princess of the Asura kingdom. And, by agreement and friendship with Ariel, Sylphie is forbidden to reveal her identity to anyone.... ...and fun fact, actually very few people recognized Sylphie in Fitz when they saw her in season 1, when Eris's grandfather was beheaded. Hey yes, she was there and we saw her very clearly, with Luke and Ariel ^^.

As other comments point out, in the Light Novel, Rudy is uncomfortable with slavery but doesn't really see what he can do about it in a world where it's normal and everywhere. It's not mentioned in the anime because the studio has a format to maintain and has to make choices. There are a LOT of things in the Light Novel that don't appear in the anime. Rudy can at least save Julie, who will never be considered a slave. Rudy will see to it that she is raised, educated and treated well. She'll be almost like a daughter to Zanoba, who will evolve through her contact and his responsibilities. And about Rudy not recognizing Sylphie, there are several reasons: the last time Rudy saw Sylphie they were both 5, she was a green-haired girl, he has no reason to think Sylphie might be at the academy, no reason to think that if he ran into her he wouldn't recognize her and she wouldn't recognize him, Mister Fitz is a man (in Japanese, she uses the masculine pronoun, and everyone refers to Fitz as a man, and as Sylphie doesn't have many curves, the illusion works), Fitz has grey hair, always wears sunglasses, he's the bodyguard of the princess of the Asura kingdom. And, by agreement and friendship with Ariel, Sylphie is forbidden to reveal her identity to anyone.... ...and fun fact, actually very few people recognized Sylphie in Fitz when they saw her in season 1, when Eris's grandfather was beheaded. Hey yes, she was there and we saw her very clearly, with Luke and Ariel ^^.