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you watched this at last! yay

Gorge Montoya

This arc ended just around the halfway point of the entire run. My favorite thing is the hint with the New Game Start, as in the manga, the following issues after this arc lists Ishigami as “the secrete main protagonist”.


If you wanna see the most racist stereotype of white people through the Japanese lens, it exists. 😂 they might not go to Texas in this anime, but they do have nods to it in Durarara, Cowboy Bebop, Boku no Hero Academia, and plenty more. There was one that haunted me forever and I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it, but it was a commercial in the anime selling "American Dogs" and the mascot was a Texan cowboy and wow.. it was painful to watch because we all know that person exists somewhere here in the states and we don't like them. (Honestly they are all hilarious to me but it's cringey) Edit: Omg went to find the American dog and and it was worse than I remember. Watch at your own risk, no kids in the room. https://youtu.be/jv-2uebEHSE

Dennis Janssen

Oh yes! I was wondering since you never answered my suggestion - don't even know if you did this because of it - but doesn't matter. I am excited to watch and thank you for doing this reaction!


"American Dog" is from Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai. Old now, but remember it as pretty funny.

Dennis Janssen

What he said at the end is rather "I accept/I agree/I am with you with this". It wasn't just "fine" as something very casual.


You know you love the characters when you weep upon seeing the opening sequence ending with a hand with a wedding ring on closing a book labeled "Memories" on the story.


> Kaguya reverses to the state she was in due to her family's f*cked up upbringing and still struggles with all her might to convey her feelings to Shirogane Wes&Steph: Jesus, Kaguya, maybe try being nice instead, what is wrong with you. The scene that showcases Ice Queen's return literally spells it out that she loves Shirogane and is the Kaguya who first fell for him but felt the need to hide and suppress it. I cannot believe anyone could miss the point this hard. "Put the Ice Princess away please", holy sh*t. "Stop being traumatized, abuse victim, just do what we want to see"


An important point that the anime doesn't bring up for some reason is that when Shirogane's mom left the family, she took Kei, his sister, with her. Considering the reason she left her husband was due to his business failures, it's very likely Kei was picked simply because she was doing better academically - at the very least Miyuki believes so 100%. By the time the story starts, Kei has returned to living with her dad and brother of her own volition, but that initial decision of their mom really drove the point home for Miyuki that he wasn't good enough. Really, it's sort of a miracle that he's so caring towards his sister - it would be painfully understandable if he resented her, consciously or not.