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Aqua lays out his reasoning in the first episode for why he doesn't suspect the former members of B Komachi and is certain that it is their father that got Ai killed. It is because he believes that no one else who knew where Ai's hospital and new house were had any reason to kill her. He says that Ai wasn't close with any of the other members and we can assume that they never visited since Aqua doesn't mention it. I've not read ahead in the manga so I've got no idea if their dad actually was the one to leak the location or if Aqua has missed something. I have to admit that I find it a little bit odd that the Dad knows about Aqua and Ruby and yet has never tried to contact or harm them in any way, unless the Dad is someone we have met already. Surely he could pretty easily piece together that they were adopted by Miyako and so should be able to find them. This show is one of the biggest surprises I've ever had. I remember reading the synopsis to my brother 6 months ago and laughing about how ridiculous it sounded. Now it could be my AOTY along with Mushoku Tensei season 2.


From the tiny knowledge I have of Japan's idol industry, I think they dont do much training with their idols and kind of expect them to already have the abilities. But I would think that Ruby's "mom" would encourage her to train if being and idol was her dream all along, but ,maybe she didn't really want that for Ruby anyway.


This is as good a place as any to mention this - as someone who's up-to-date on the manga I can confirm that Kana is Best Girl and it really never comes into question.