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Hey guys! We're so excited we got this one filmed! 

We've been trying to find a time to record so we could do it in one session and were finally able to make it work! 

The plan is to try to catch up as best we can! So (hopefully) more than one episode a week! So pumped to get to watch this with you all!



This is why y’all are the absolute best!




I think the reason she talked to the stalker that way after getting stabbed was because she was lying, saying things he wanted to hear, to try to protect Aqua who was standing right behind her (you can see her hand trying to block him away from the stalker). It's the whole lying is love motif, she lied because she loved Aqua and wanted to protect him. Also there's an end credit scene worth watching if you guys find the time

Infinite Ree

I laughed so loud at Stephanie being 28 weeks pregnant asking "how did this happen?" I knew what she meant but it still made me laugh.

Nehedy Kabir

OMG, you guys are watching this wholesome anime. :) Plus this is great anime to show off the dark side of the idol industry since you guys are reacting to BTS.

Dzakir Muhd

Wes/Steph and missing the end credits scene. Name a better duo 😂😂


actually j-pop fans being majorly males are true and i find it really weird too. j-pop and k-pop are so close and also so far away from each other, they have different qualities and expectations in industries and stuff. despite from k-pop fans, j-pop fans definitely sounds more obsessive and weird to me from what i've seen and heard on the media. and i think there's not much male groups too on j-pop which is :/


Honestly BTS is a bad representation of the true reality of the idol world. It's extremely toxic and dark and that's why BTS are special, they formed specifically with the goal to change what it means to be an idol. At least that was the goal of Bang PD, but it might be a one time phenomenon now that Hybe took over Big Hit. But ya, this show has a very accurate portrayal of how it is. The girl dying is also based on true events. There was an idol who was stabbed to death at a fanmeet for a rumor that she was dating. That's why most companies have it in their contracts that idols can't date

Gorge Montoya

Here’s some fun info: this show (after the 1st episode) takes place roughly 10 years after Kaguya-sama Love is War. Same universal and some stealthy crossovers. Lastly, this is not an isekai (translates to otherworld), it’s more of a Tensei (meaning reincarnation, hence the Mushoku Tensei)


"You think the stalker's her Dad?" LMFAO I CAN'T


Comment 2: it slipped my mind before and I don't want to overshadow either comment so I'm commenting again, but my aunt was one of those workers that get paid to drink. Essentially they work for the bar and their job is to draw in customers and their supposed to get the customers to have fun and order drinks, so it's only talking or dancing and stuff. This is actually how my aunt met my uncle lol but please don't loosely call these types of jobs prostitution. It is legitimate legal work and not always sleazy, but even if you think it is, these are hard working men and women trying to make a living. My Aunt really appreciated her job because she got to meet interesting people from all over the world and have a drink with them and listen to their stories. My friend is also a Host which is a lot closer to the definition of prostitution and it is extremely hard work to be a host, but there are enjoyable points to it so he loves his job even if the excessive drinking bothers him. I'd hope your view of the world isn't so black and white. I love you guys, so I hope you consider the cultural differences and think with a more empathetic mind

ᴮᴱ maria⁷

I think in korea and japan female idol groups tend to have more male fans. I say this because i’ve seen fanmeets of groups like Twice and live stages in their own country , in which a lot of men are present. when i first got into idol music i was really surprised at hearing the low pitch fanchants during performances😂, but anyway in other places their fanbase is way more diverse.

Lim Chun wei

Y’all are so authentic and true to yourselves. Amazing reaction as always


Well he was hired by her dad so...technically it's half-true.


The subs you guys got are a bit off from the official version's subs, which made some of the lines make a lot less sense. Official version also translates a lot of the relevant stuff on papers and what not.


They don't have it written down in their contracts, that'd be all kinds of illegal (or it might've been in some of the 'slave contracts' years ago, I do remember the term "dating ban" being thrown around).. but it's definitely a very strong and well enforced expectation socially, especially in the first years of an idol's career (many have said that as they become more established, they receive greater freedoms and if they reach the top, they are able to make big decisions for themselves, as the company can't "complain"). So, as trainees or rookies, dating for idols is looked down on by the agencies, mostly because society has that 'idols have to be perfect but still "attainable" for obsessive fans' and their careers take a huge hit once they're "off the market". Nowadays, it's been said that agencies in general aren't quite as "strict" with their idols personal lives (obvs exceptions exist and it varies from one to another) and they're allowed to date (as is literally normal for young adults) if they keep it out of the public eye (and they might even help keep that from happening if they can, since it's in their interest)


i know I'm late but this is a cool detail everyone misses, when Ai was talking to the director, she said she was just trying to creep him out to get him to withdraw, she uses this same method with the stalker, she probably just wanted to protect her kids and really didn't care about him at all. That's why she said weird stuff like "I still want to love you even now"


Funny you think Kana is 10, she's like 3 or 4.

Austin Yun

I really strongly disagree with that interpretation. Every other time Ai has been dead serious talking about how she wants to love people but can't. Also how lies are the best form of love.


You're a disgusting cunt, don't post spoilers in comment sections


That's not even opinion it's wrong, as Wes pointed out when she does that they animate her with the black star in her eyes. Cool trying to add to it, but she remembered his name despite being bad with names etc, since her life flashed before her eyes and you see her show the sand thing to Ruby. She just has a final moment, I agree she wanted to protect her kids tho

Carmen Villanueva

the director taking a shot and having one on the side for ai cuz they were gonna drink together for the first time after she was of age always makes me cry.. so sad :(

Aquos Rocketleague & Stuff

"Idols say stuff like i love you to their fans" Steph: "They dont mean it" Wesley: We love you guys!


My IT support company provided support for a nursing home and I was sent out there for a full day every 3 weeks and it was one of the emotionally hard onsite support tasks I had to fulfill. So many lost folks, locked behind doors, incapable or looking after themselves and unable to even string together thoughts, I don't think I ever left that place with a happy disposition. Also, I think this first episode accomplished more than most Animes do in an entire season of episodes in 1 hour. It's insane how much character and story development happened in this first episode and I was immediately hooked by this show.


thoughts on why Idols cant just go solo on their work; all the extra costs, work and expertise needed to manage an idol and their music. the culture of idols especially in japan is very fan service orientated, you do a lot of meet and greets, signs, concerts, lottery prizes etc and all of that costs a lot of varied fees. Also I cant describe it too well other than there is a lot of social taboos and donts for idols, jumping ship and flying solo could backfire in a culture like japans. Not to mention all the very different legal stuff over there.... Japan has honor/face based law systems. So running out on a company can backfire on you in the form of getting sued for hurting their image by running out and that could make the company 'look bad' even if its not the case. stuff like that basically. So yeah, wildly different culture and even legal basis for a lot of this stuff. Its totally possible to fly solo but in the saturated cutthroat industry that is Japan (and an isolated market bc if you only speak japanese that is your primary audience, not even global.) it is super super risky and hard to pull off. An agency is always more alluring bc they offer assistance financially to bring you up and get your name out there while also covering your back in any legal issues + being with an agency allows you more anonymity with paperwork etc since you are part of the company and dont have to give out your legal name in those situations; you are x character under y company. Not to mention all the hiring and writing the music for the idols, the people who choreograph their dances, design and make costume etc etc the list of costs goes on and on.