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I actually like-hate envy in this version. In the OG series he's so much worse and vile and I despise that one 😖 my favorite was the OG wrath and sloth, but they don't exist in this one it seems


Dope reaction.


May not be but had better explanatory storylines. BH is good in its own way too, but I miss some of the story and the characters from the OG

Paragon Night

I wouldn't say one is inherently better than the other as they both started with the same base yet diverged into 2 completely different stories with their own themes and characters. They each are solid and just focus on different aspects of the core ideas of FMA. I personally prefer FMAB as it has an actual ending but I wouldn't fault anyone for preferring FMA. It certainly does some things better like Hughes and the early portion of the story while branching those same characters into their own unique end point.


Agreed. I love both and the entire story and characters. It was one of my first anime I was exposed to so it can't really do wrong. Hell I even love the live action and own the movies lol but yeah, my only complaints are that I miss the Sloth and Wrath plotlines of the OG, and how detailed they went into the Hughes, Nina, and origin plots. Does BH dive deep into scars past the same way they did in the OG? Like what his brother was up to and about Lust as a human?


In general, the OG manga and the 2003 adaptation have different strengths. I feel like Brotherhood comes off better in terms of worldbuilding, while using its large cast to its fullest (though the anime does cut some things compared to the manga), and manages to set a great balance between despair and hope, and between epic action and humour. On the other hand, the 2003 version chose to have a more intimate and somber tone, almost entirely focusing on the Elric and their personal journey - and fr the most part, it works very well, even though I think the wheels kind of fell off toward the end. And to its credit, it can do humour really well too - there's a couple of episodes adapting bonus chapters and they are absolutely hilarious - the show just kind of stopped having humour after a while. Whether or not you prefer the 2003 version or Brother hood version is a matter of what you prefer in a story, I don't think there's a right or wrong answer.

Juan Carlos Jaimes Jr.

Although I like the words chosen here, the voice acting is good, too; I think the dub is slightly better when Ed calls out to Al's body. The little that I understood from this episode was to open the door to enter and move their bodies/souls, they had to give "bodies" and souls. Also, the philosopher's stone breaks some rules, and it is powerful. So, I think it gave them a boost to open the gate of truth. Anyway, at least some of the souls that thanked Ed did move on because some were sacrificed so that Ed, Envy, and Ling could cross.