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Hanan Haliru

the actor who plays the son of that politician in this also plays a lovable goof in Vincenzo when u guys get around to watching that. i didn't even play the video yet i just know from his back 😭

Aitana Matos

I know this has nothing to do with the video but I started watching you guys back about 4 years ago with the Shane Dawson doc. And that was when I was a freshman in high school. I am currently a senior and am graduating this Thursday and I got such strong nostalgia today 😭🤍🤍🤍

Fiyin Cole

The guns on the wall are 100% fake, even in the show they are meant to be 100% fake and are there for display. Guns are illegal in Korea, You cannot even get a license to have them, so even if they were real they wouldn’t put them on display like that. The cops in Korea barely even carry guns unless in a special case. So you would not see a cop on the street of Korea who has their firearm on them.


Yup the guns are fake and you will soon notice that usually (not always) anything sharp used as a weapon, even if its a joke, is gonna be blurred out.

Vivi Wu

oh wow, wes is super sharp on some plot details

Hanan Haliru

spoil... that an actor... is in... another work? I'm sorry, did i say something consequential to the plot of either shows in my comment? no, i didn't. it is not a spoiler.

Nguyen Anh Quan

Yes? "loveable goof" he was not potrayed as a "loveable goof" in the numbers of starting episode and just that sentence will make anyone with a brain question it when they actually watch it. It is one thing if they already watched Vincenzo and didn't recognize him here and a whole another thing to just spoil the character of the show they haven't watched yet.

Hanan Haliru

tbh my comment was pretty harmless and the main point of it was that this actor is also in Vincenzo. you making a fuss in the replies is actually pointing out more about the story than anything i said

Nguyen Anh Quan

You already spoiled it then asked me how was it a spoiler so i have to answer you. I would have no problem if you just said that he gonna be in vincenzo and that's all. But yeah blame me for your "harmless spoiler".


Yeah the whole club sequence with running is his maniac episode, the hospital director said gang-take is nice is because rather than lock him in a room he lets him play out his fantasy and entertains it while keeping an eye out for him. But like the end of the episode shows even that is still a form of imprisonment



Lia Delli

Korean directors are on a different level! They always find ways to make the shots look so much more engaging and interesting imo


The scene where she imagines Gang-tae in her room, she's doing a coping mechanism people with PTSD do called maladaptive daydreaming. When you need someone to comfort you but you don't have anyone to, you essentially create an imaginary friend to soothe you. I love ya'll, but maybe please cut back on terms like crazy or psycho in this show, because I have CPTSD and display a lot of her symptoms. Like struggling to feel empathy, night terrors, OCD, defiance, ect. These can be symptoms of various comorbid disorders which I share with her character. This show's thematic meaning is understanding and learning empathy toward people with disorders because there's so much negativity surrounding them. Generally speaking, Mun-young helps Gang-tae to come to terms with himself, and he helps her heal her traumas. The actual Korean title is "its ok to be psycho (or unwell)" because in Korea, people with disorders are treated like they're possessed or something for the most part.


Those guns are not real Wesley 😂😂 they are realistic models. Guns are illegal in SK, how the heck would the CEO of a publishing company get guns?? 😂😂


You guys seem to be confused why the show suddenly focused on the assemblyman’s son. Every episode or so the show deep dives into the mental/personality disorders of different patients in the facility (and some non-patients as well, like our main characters). In that sense, you can think of it like any regular US tv show (like law and order for example) where every episode dives into a new crime, except with this show it’s a different psychological disorder.


The assemblyman’s son was reliving the incident/manic episode that caused him to end up back at the hospital in his head, but in reality (during that moment where he was reliving it in his head) he was acting out that memory in the facility like we see in that “post credit scene” It’ll be easier to understand some of the cut scenes in this show once you realize they’re just showing us how a given character is experiencing or remembering certain things in their head (irregardless of how the real world is, in that moment). When we get those weird cut scenes like him at the club, or moon yeong suddenly being a giant in the last episode, we are immediately being transported into that character’s mind.


It’s so frustrating that they don’t read our comments.. we’ve been saying that Sang-Tae is autistic since ep. 1..


I swear 1 episode a week is killing me…


Maybe they want to figure it out for themselves? It may be very obvious for some people, but others might take time to be aware. I’m sure they had an idea of it but maybe didn’t want to make an assumption

Ema De la Lama Laviada

I think it's good that he did that to his dad, people like that shouldn't be in positions of power. Also, I think gang- tae has had to be super responsible since so so young, that he has never gotten to experience freedom. He had to become an adult at like 10 years old and has been taking care of his brother his whole life. He has always had to control his emotions because being very angry or very sad or expressing any other strong emotion could alarm sang-tae.

Nele (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 03:39:45 wow, this show is really so interesting - i love it !! i'm excited for every week to watch the next episode <3333
2023-06-10 16:03:10 wow, this show is really so interesting - i love it !! i'm excited for every week to watch the next episode <3333

wow, this show is really so interesting - i love it !! i'm excited for every week to watch the next episode <3333

Isabelle & Lucy Berry

So, are you basically confirming or denying her theory? Don't do that and let them just experience the drama for themselves.