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Details are in LN. Gonna read it?


I think Geese is supposed to be a kind of monkey-man-type demon.


Ok, there's an explanation why that girl is wearing the bikini armor (Vierra) and I'm not sure why they didn't include it in the show because it was mentioned in the novels. Basically, Vierra and Shierra (The Bikini Girl and the Hooded Girl with her) got transported and they got captured by the bandits. The bandits sexually abused them for months until Paul's group saved them. Vierra recovered from the abuse but not her sister. Shierra suffers from PTSD and she can't deal with men looking at her. This is why Vierra started wearing that bikini armor, it's to divert all the male gazes away from her sister. That's all and no, Paul didn't do anything with them. I hope this helps.

Dank Waifu

Paul didn’t R - word her btw, Rudeus made that up lol


He may not have been banging her, but he did say "not for lack of trying" when rudeus asked if he had another kid. So he's still banging someone while his wife is missing. Not that I blame him, it'd be impossibly hard to never seek physical companionship during times like those even for someone who not a serial philanderer.

Gorge Montoya

Lilia and Paul were in same Sword Dojo that Paul ran away to after he fought with his father (Lilia's father runs the Dojo). The light novel really gives you a lot of nuances but the TLDR end result was the same - he snuck into Lilias room, he forcefully took her v-card and then ran away from the dojo eventually becoming an adventurer. Honestly Paul and Zeniths backstories are so interesting and if we get lucky to have all of the story covered, they will need to shed light on it as we get well into the end game.


That "not for the lack of trying" was in regards to him and Zenith trying for a 4th while Rudy was out tutoring Eris. The LN talks about how Paul remains faithful multiple times but the anime assumed it didn't need to because it tried to make it clear that the Lilia incident was his first and only time he cheated on his partner (but the anime sorta failed that as seen by some reactions). This is definitely better covered in the LN though since they make it clear that Zenith only agreed to marry Paul under the condition that he never sleeps with anyone else and he truly tried his best to stick to that promise out of his affection for Zenith.


After I read LN, I can't look at the relationship between little Norn and Rudgerd with a straight face...

Aphelion Audio

also, the reason eris had thought about the broader impact of the blast is that she had less to think about than rudy, rudy was managing finances, his party, and a way back while also trying to stay alive in general and repair the reputation of ruijerd, whereas eris was just along for the ride. she had time to think about things, rudy didnt have that luxury

Aphelion Audio

also also, paul was NOT banging bikini armor, i believe it was mentioned in the novels he hadnt had sex since the mana disaster


Rudy used magic for water. Like it was shown.