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Aphelion Audio

fyi in the novels any time they go to a new place with new currency, theres usually a page or so breaking down the conversion rates between the new currency, other currencies used and explained before, and its equivalent in japanese yen, 2000 emerald coins isnt an amount you can just get. The demon continent is a very poor continent so one asuran gold coin is worth about 1000 USD, whereas the largest denomination of currency in the demon continent, the emerald coin is only worth about 10 USD, and if you noticed they got paid 1 scrap iron for their job finding the cat, which is worth about 10 cents, scrap iron being the more commonly used form of currency you can think of its relative purchasing power as that of a 20 dollar bill if that makes sense, so 2000 emerald coins is a VAST fortune that would take years upon years of VERY lucrative work to get, so its simply not feasible to get (in the novels it was explained they were told this amount not as an actual set price but a price given because it was so absurd they were basically being told to fuck off because they werent about to transport a superd)

Aphelion Audio

also you were right in your comment about not wanting the eye, its very disorienting and thats why most people with demon eyes (like ghislaine) wear eyepatches