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Kai Kage

when are you guys doing another Anime Opening Reaction? they were sooooo goood


I love this show so much despite the ecchi scenes and yes! I didn't think about how Rujierd was a father figure before but now that you've said it, 100% agreed. I also appreciate the natural development of these relationships. As for why Roxy is scared, it's because she left long before Rujierd saved the girl from the village and befriended the village leader. Roxy's father wasn't exactly warm to him though

Kaasim Alam Baloch

There is a psychologist who reacted to this show and he said that Ruijerd was a way way better father figure than paul was.


I think what Ruijerd meant with "You're a warrior" is that they took accountability of being ignorant on how strong the monster they were dealing with actually was. They didn't blame Rudeus and admitted their blunder in the first place.


It's probably a fair assessment to assume Roxy knows nothing about Ruijerd. My reading of the history lesson they got from the Migurd chief in Ep. 9 was, the tribe had no dealings with him before he saved that one girl the chief pointed out (who smiled at Rudy when he looked at her). That was ten years before, and Roxy had been gone at least 20 according to her father. So, she may have left long before the Migurd knew Ruijerd even existed. And it's clear she doesn't correspond with her parents at all. The parents didn't even know if she was still alive.


did ya forget about the 2 people who got decapitated right after Rudy going to Roa at this point the death count is 2 regular humans and 3 beastlike humanoids. I think the reason that world building feels so good in Mushoku tensei is that they don't waste a single second of the show. They use the opening and closing to full effect to setup locations, characters, and stakes. They also are used masterfully to show the difference in time or the general passing of time so that there is never a point where your like when is this taking place.


Ruijerd wasn't lying when he called Kurt a full fledged warrior. Mental bearing, not skill, is the sign of a mature warrior. He knew the possibility of death was real, and when it happened to his friend he accepted the blame for getting them in over their heads. They know what they signed up for, and they're not complaining about it. That's a true warrior if you ask me.

Aphelion Audio

youve definitely watched far enough for this not to be a spoiler, but i love how they hide just how powerful rudy is by surrounding him with other exceptional people, even Eris is insanely talented, but because you dont have a frame of reference, its hard to gauge just how powerful Rudy and Eris are

Aphelion Audio

"this could be a whole season" there is an entire novel that is just glossed over of their time on the demon continent and only vaguely alluded to in the montages