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Not that it makes it better but I think we should allow Rudy some credit that he was only going to steal her panties. 😅 Still deserves the beating for being a perv, but he would not rape a girl at least. So there are my crumbs of defense for him for the day


I really hope they don’t decide to drop it after ep 7 🥲


I think you mean episode 8, that's the one some people get hung up on, but they seem to be fine so far so I think they will be fine. Not sure why some people freak out over that episode, I thought it was going to be much worst than it was by how some people talked about it, But I didn't think it was that bad, Ive seen much worst in similarly rated anime.

Aphelion Audio

fun fact: when you saw ghislaine kill those guys in the kidnapping episode and it made a bang and was all colorful, in lore she had literally unsheathed her sword and swung it at the speed of light, hence the bang and colors