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5 min in, might update as I go lol. Hot button issue about the smoking. Tae was found to smoke then vape and it caused an uproar. He might've quit by now because he was going through a lot at the time he was caught, but who knows. I feel it's their personal business though as singers, they really shouldn't do it because they have special health issues, but public opinion slams them hard if they do anything adult sadly. Update: Namjoon is definitely the stereotypical "tortured artist." He's so careful of himself and so introspective and you tack on being the leader of such a figurehead of a group, he really struggles with I'd say minor depression and a lot of anxiety and some imposter syndrome which I appreciate he talks a lot about with us. To him, this is what fuels his ability to make music and why music was his outlet for a long time until lately he's said that now art is his outlet because music became his job sadly. He really is a beautiful soul and mind and i am glad he's doing what he can to cultivate himself more these days. 2018-2021, he wasn't doing that very well from what he's said. As for the others, which I see other Army comment on, they were all under a lot of pressure around this time and it was getting to them. They weren't prepared for globalization and then they became figures for mental health and representatives for an entire generation.. I can't even imagine the pain that can cause a person. Recently they've been more vocal about how from the point of DNA's release, they were treated differently. More people hated them or used them, or felt pressured by their presence. I'm sure they wanted to be normal at this point and were mourning the fact they would never be again. They all seem to be feeling better since their hiatus though. I think they just really needed a good break from the media and all their schedules so they could focus on themselves. Getting their own spaces probably helped too honestly. This is why we as fans must do our diligence to respect them as people and not just as artists. They sacrificed more than we can ever imagine so it's not fair for people to say "well they're famous so it's ok to get in their business" because being famous doesn't make someone inhuman and invincible. It just makes them more vulnerable. Edit 2: lol I unpaused the video just for Wes and Steph to say what I noted in my comment 😂 Note to self: take notes and finish video, THEN comment


you talked about what they might be going through during this time, this bv was in 2018 which was the year that they considered disbanding, they first mentioned it during their speech for artist of the year at the 2018 mama awards which is always an emotional speech to watch <3


wishing for health is definitely a korean thing, you hear it a lot in korea. im not sure if its specific to korea or east asia in general. it probably stems from confucianism


Right like honestly ain’t our business like they ain’t promoting it to their fans they do it during their private times like they are adults they understand the dangers of it and can make their own decisions but the public slams idols for dating so it was no shock he got heat for this.


from what we could see in the background of one of his livestreams hobi still has that flamingo that tae got him in his studio😂


Ya, exactly. It's so frustrating and sad to see them get ripped apart by thousands for things normal people do, so I've had to stop interacting with a lot of their media and the Fandom for my own mental health. I really lost it over people literally attacking Tae for showing too much skin.. are we in the 1800s now? But then people complain when they don't appear happy 24/7. 😮‍💨 That's why I love Wes and Steph and this community. This honestly feels like a really safe space.


You have to watch them reacting to Bon Voyage S3 its called commentary please 😢😢😢😭❤️

Hanan Haliru

at 1:06:46 Steph really truly sounded very Canadian, I'm so surprised LOL

tannie misser

this was so much fun! can't wait for yall to start season 4, it's easily the best out of them all especially since no members are missing this time lol

Marissa K

Pretty sure it was determined that the photo of Tae "smoking" was a photoshop. There are too many so called "experts" that think they know or believe they deserve to know everything in their lives. Especially on social. I'm of the opinion if the guys don't say anything, then it's none of our business. Not that anything is anyway, but they do spoil Army with tidbits of info. It's just too bad, some like to twist those bits of info.


I thought there were a few different evidences, but honestly now I kind of hope it was real because that really got my blood boiling that he would've gotten so much criticism over a photoshopped image. I mean, I believe that that happened, but damn.. that's so disheartening and gross. 😔 But I appreciate you for taking that stance. Even though sometimes I fall victim to the rumor mill, I try hard to stand by that mindset too. Honestly, I think as candid as some of them are, they would have spilled many more beans if a lot of the rumors were true. We all know how bad they can be at keeping secrets. 😂 over the smoking issue, it's just that I wouldn't have honestly blamed Tae if he had a vice. I don't smoke but I feel like in their shoes, I'd already have a tube in my neck from chainsmoking the stress away, nevermind everything happening to them personally. 😅


And Yoongi had the snow globe from Jimin in his room when he did the live stream to his album D-2!


Also a new bangtan episode came out, with Jin and Coldplay, pleaseee react to it! <3 https://youtu.be/HOLAaK3u_jw


There was a fun story told by Jungkook but i dont know which video it was...but he said that at the last night he and Jimin drank a lot so Jimin practically crawled home...i try to find the clip but there is so much content of them...maybe someone remembers it! But i think it was in a vlive not long ago!


56:35 are they not common in the US? I've seen them at every fair or amusement park but they always have a different name haha I LOVE these rides! One of my favs since I was a kid! But be sure to never be the person sitting on the outside seat, the centrifugal force is strong with this one :D

Marissa K

Ok so 2017-2018 was tough on the guys. This was a time that they were getting so much worldwide recognition (they won an American award) and there was no one really for them to turn to in their industry as a mentor or for guidance. They were breaking new ground as Korean entertainers. There is a solo vlive of Jimin who goes a bit more in depth to this. It was filmed 2018 but wasn't released till late 2019. Also check out their MAMA 2018 acceptance speech as Best Artists that year. You'll see references to this time when they sit and talk to each other in their official documentaries and other vlives as well. Maybe also check out more of their Award performances 😁


There's only one more season of Bon Voyage. You've seen Hawaii, Scandinavia and now Malta. Only New Zealand is left. 😔


I used to collect snow globes from every country I visited. I don't recommend them as souvenirs at all hahaha. After a few years, the water can get cloudy or moldy or evaporate lol


Hi guys, just to let you know you can find all BTS CONTENT in here for free thanks to this ARMY ❤️ https://3cmgoogie.tumblr.com/contentlist/bts


15:33 is that a pride and prejudice reference? I just finished that movie last week 😂

Gatha Naranath

I wen't to Malta with my family and 3 other close familys back in 2014 when i was 10 years old. Malta wasn't as popular back then as it is now. So it was super cheap to go there. We wen't during december like i celebrated my 10th birthday there. And even if i was a kid, it's still one of the most memorable trips of my life. I love traveling don't get me wrong, but Malta was not only beautiful, cool, amazing and feel-good. But the best thing was if we wanted to go some other city we wouldnt have to travel for like 6-10 hours to get there. Malta is so small we were done seeing the whole Island in just a few days and we didn't have to stress some days we just rested and didn't do anything. And Valetta was so beautiful, i'm going back there this summer. And this time, i'm old enough to actually drink. I love Malta and even after 10 years its easily still my favorite trip i've been on with amazing memories. Especially for making my 10th birthday so memorable. I really recommend Malta if u guys ever plan a trip and don't plan on doing too many activities. It's extremely chill, good people