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Steph is on her way to being a great kdrama fan🤣🤣🤣 "Their energy matches"


Great reaction! By the way, did you guys know that the main couple is actually married IRL I find that super cute hehe


It's Korean dramas. The storytelling is always crazy especially with the good dramas. I forgot how the flow of dramas might seem different for first timers.


Especially since they got married after the drama. We all kinda expected it though 😂


It’s so damn fun watching Wes and Stephs reaction 🤣🤣

Eli Min

Wait did they skip the EXTRE SCENE at the end again???? Oh no it was super cute. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Let’s send them DMs!! Haha

Kaylie .

I love watching these series with you! As you continue, don't forget the scene after the credits. It shows some good insiders or just a funny bonus scene. After that it goes into a preview for the next episode which you don't need to watch but would you consider watching the scene shown right after the credits where you usually end? It's a great addition to the story line.:)

Infinite Ree

Yeah the storytelling is definitely different... the plot points, romantic beats, and the comedy... all of it varies from what we're used to a lot of the time. And other times it's perfectly predictable, but in the best way. :)


Hahaha I don't know how reunification would realistically work, but if it ever did, that guy gave up on 100 millions won hahaha


yah..sad. sigh... but its ok :-) I just went and googled to watch the end scene. hahaha. ep2 end scene- didn't know she even considered doing that? She really was at her lowest when she went to Switzerland. ep3 end scene - yeah its cute. and confirmed Capt Ri's love


Hope you guys can release two episodes per week if your schedule allows😆 otherwise you will only be able to finish the series in like four months the time


Oh No guys please check the comments... You guys missed the extra scene again , it's important to the story too!


Everyone's responses are positive here so I feel bad for my comment but I feel it's important to share so we can keep it in mind. 😅 But basically the show is very gently showing us a reality of what they face in N.Korea. The survivor stories from there are disgusting and horrifying and anytime it's brought up, I get especially pissed off not one country is willing to risk war to save those people and put a stop to the N.Korea regime. S.Korea and Japan want to but they know they won't fare well without the support of other countries. Everyone who reads this, please seek out survivors' stories and spread them. Send them to your government officials and hopefully someday something can be done to help those people. They're taught to be scared of foreigners, and because it's their way of life or because their entire families will be executed, many don't fight the regime, but the people who sacrificed everything to escape are trying to get their voices heard. https://youtu.be/DyqUw0WYwoc

Ashley Ang

at the end of each episode, there is a short outro song with shots from that episode, then in most episodes there is an extra scene which are sometimes funny/cute bits or sometimes scenes that add to the storyline, before a teaser of the next episode! so please remember to get past the outro song part and watch the extra scene before pausing at the teaser. ps i loved this reaction and also teared up at the bit about the boy and his sister

June Hayre

Hope we can watch "little women" after you finish this one. It's a great kdrama that both Namjoon and Jin recommended , but i'm enjoying Crash Landing on You too with you. Not really my favorite genre but it's fun to watch with you

현수 신

Hello fellow subscriber, south korean here. I assume you're not korean, so just wanted to share some of my thoughts. I think unification through war should not be considered as an option. That's inhumane and destructive way of unification. North korea doesn't have strong millitary technology, They only have f ton of army men and the nuke. So If war happens there's a realistic possibility that we could all die. There will be no people left to be saved. South korea goverment is constantly trying to have peaceful unification and change the people's point of view towards north korean people (i.e. this tv show) I do agree that north korean defectors' story should be spread more! Thank you for caring and commenting about them!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You make a great point and you're right, if war can be avoided, that would be great and by far the better option for everyone. I just think there's more active aid that can and should be provided from more than just the Japanese and S.Korean governments, or maybe more pressure applied to make N.Korea change the way they treat their people. The problem with the Western countries is they are so scared of war that they don't want to be involved at all, leaving it up to private organizations to help where they can. America especially feels the problem is "out of sight, out of mind" and a lot of us don't know the full gravity if the situation there, which is why I wanted to urge people to try and get more information out there. Thank you for bringing that up though, I didn't realize my post sounded like a call to war. 😅 I just want something to change. After I heard China announced they would stop helping defectors on a governmental level, it feels like that caused many other countries to stop caring.


Side note, being a South Korean, I'm curious about your opinion of this show? I know dramas are very unrealistic, but I got the feeling that this show was doing more than just being entertaining. How much of what's being said or is happening is talked about in Korea?


you should watch GLORY

Veence Porras

Damn I broke down when Wesley started crying LMAO. I have seen this drama twice and that scene gets me everytime

Gatha Naranath

We love a man that isn't afraid of crying on camera, give it up for Wesley