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You’re right to be mad but Rudy did all that only because he didnt want the child and the maid to die. I dont fault him I just feel bad for Zenith. The situation basically had multiple bad parties and only Zenith and Rudy (who only “sin” is making up a lie to protect the maid) are blameless


As someone who's dad is very much like Paul (minus being a relatively good father up to this point in the show) I think the show is humanizing Paul in a pretty realistic way. Like Wesley said earlier, you get disenfranchised a similar way the child of a shitty person would. I definitely would never excuse Paul's behavior, but I think his character is really well thought out and it makes me wonder about the author's own relationship with his father. There will always come a point where a child has to come to terms with their parents as people. Sometimes, a parent sets an negative example and the child has to learn not to be that way. I think Rudy does this through the show from here on.


I remember reading back then that Zenith and Paul have different religions. Zenith's practices Monogamy while Paul's into Polygamy. I'd imagine they tackled its implications and nuances to their relationship before getting together in the light novel compared to the anime at this point of the story; I haven't read the source material so I'm not privy to the important (Mushoku world's society exclusive) details. It's crazy but it sheds light to their behavior and dynamics considering how the modern society perceives adultery.


Not saying that I don’t blame Lilia or anything like that, but when we start the story Lilia is only a 14 year old already living with them as the maid while Paul is at least 22-25 or something. In modern society at least, that gives me the serious ick because whether she did seduce him or not, he really shouldn’t have given on to it. Like do I understand Mushoku Tense’s world is more closely similar to medieval society, yes; however just because it was common then doesn’t make it right in any way. We know that a teenager or an age gap that big that young is just kind of gross not to mention the implications of Paul being her employer. He didn’t force her and she wanted it, but still I kind of find Paul more disgusting because he holds power over her and should’ve stopped it. Additionally he’s the one who’s married so his betrayal of Zenith is so much grosser. Lilia is at fault too but idk I just find Paul to be really awful now.

Aleister Crowley

was she that young in the light novel? because in the episode they say lilia and paul were classmates back in sword school, I would assume they're all around the same age.


I didn’t read the light novel so I have no idea. I do remember the first or second episode that Steph I think was grossed out by like 1/2yo Rudy stealing a 14yo’s underwear so I assumed those were the ages. I think I kept that in my mind so it feels wildly inappropriate. I might have been mistaken though. If I’m remembering correctly though this was before Rudy preformed or even knew about magic so like it wasn’t about the other girl. Idk I think in the manga at some point Paul rapes her and takes her virginity from what I read but before the story I think? Idk I didn’t read much of the spoilers or discussions but I did see this.


A little late of a reply but for the sake of posterity, Lilia is definitely not 14 at the start of the story. Lilia's exact age is never stated in the light novel but Zenith is 17 (Born in the year K390) and Paul is 19 (K388) when Rudy is born. The wiki says that she was born in K38X so we know she is definitely older than Zenith and at least 18. Also, she was classmates with Paul in her Dad's dojo and then became a maid/guard for an Asuran princess. She was then badly injured while defending the princess from an assassination attempt and forced to vacate her role. She then finds out that Paul is looking for a maid and joins them in Buena village before Rudy is born. Even if the wiki is wrong and the people in this world mature far sooner than in our world, they wouldn't hire a guard who was 12 or 13 at the time to guard a princess. Plus, I know it can be really hard to tell how old someone is in anime but, does Lilia really look 14 to you? Long story short, Paul is scum (He did actually rape Lilia when they were both at the dojo and then ran away) and he cheated on his wife. But, the person he cheated with was the same age as him or older. Also, Zenith is a follower of the Millis religion who preach monogamy but Lilia and Paul aren't. Doesn't really change much as Paul promised to be faithful to her anyway and Lilia is friends with Zenith but it's worth taking into account.

Dennis Janssen

I can understand how you were upset. She was seducing him here and Rudeus did lie. But that is another world. It was about life or death. Lilia would have died if she got out in the cold. And there is a high probability she would have been sent away. Zenith wasn't about to let her stay, although she knew that Lilia and her child would possibly die. That is why Rudeus lied, he did it to save Lilias and his sisters life. In this scenario Paul would get more blamed and Lilia would not get a punishment, yes, but when the alternative is death... Also Rudeus did it, yes, Zenith decided, but only when Rudeus argued with her.


It's true, Zenit expected this, but she wasn't ready yet, she knew Rudy was lying to her, but it gave her a reason to ignore her religion for the sake of her son

Luka Aleksijevic

While I do agree, that Lilia as sad by her own words: "Betrayed Zenith"... I do still think It's mostly Pauls fault... Let's not pretend like he didn't have a choice, he was a married man with a child, trying to get another child, and he still CHEATED... that's a million times worse in my opinion... there is nothing in this world I hate more then Cheaters

Aphelion Audio

this is a pretty old reaction so im not sure if youll care, but one of the reasons i like this show so much is that characters arent always just good or bad, characters like paul and rudy will do VERY bad things, and then go and do very noble things right afterwards, leaving you the viewer and all the characters in the show to decide how they want to feel about them knowing that. and not that it excuses anything, but polyamory is normal in this world which is why sylphie doesnt find paul having two "wives" strange