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Minami Takayama plays Envy's voice so similarly to that of Takeuchi Junko's voice for Naruto sometimes that it really messes with me. I always forget it's not the same voice actress, lol.


"It's basically the nazis, tell me I'm wrong!" Well, the country is a military dictatorship led by a mustache-wearing man having the title of Fuhrer, so... make of that what you will.

Juan Carlos Jaimes Jr.

Great reaction. Yes, Scar has been built up for, I think, the last two episodes, so he is pretty strong. Ed and Al are roughly 16 and 15 if I remember correctly. Both practice martial arts, as seen in the flashback and when fighting enemies. It's tough to say if the bothers are on par or better than Scar, but one thing for sure: he caught the bothers off guard and perhaps at their lowest point.

Juan Carlos Jaimes Jr.

You are correct in your thoughts that the people we are growing to like and root for could be the bad guys. If true, we can empathize or understand where Scar is coming from. The question is, if the character that we like did kill innocent/guilty people, what would be just punishment? Should they all die for what they did? Should they go to prison for life or a long time? Or could there be another way to make amends?