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Carmen Johnson

hobi is the only one with perfect vision, everyone else wears contacts/glasses

Priscila Barboza

I'm loving rewatching all of this with you guys! sending all my love from here in Brazil!


Hitting the slate is for audio syncing in post production!! We can cut the audio so that the loud pop/clap sound in the audio file will sync with the visual/video file when the slate/hands meet~ (post-production/editing major here :D)


after this please react to bts in the soop 2 💜

Jon Snow

About Jimin yes he was the one member that was the most active on social media especially in 2017, the one that loved interacting with fans but over the years Jimin has stopped being active we also have to consider that Jimin is a really private person which adds to his inactivity. Actually, just the past week has been the most active Jimin has ever been on social media since 2017 which is quite ironic


Steph you legend! Can't tell you how many times I've watched BV3 and yet I never noticed the knights in the lego rendering of them were the camera crew. Nice catch!


The time to show off my useless Chinese history knowledge at long last! 😂 Guan Yu is a famous historical general during the war of the 3 kingdoms. One of lord Liu Bei's sworn brothers who was highly respected for his battle prowess and strong integrity. Zhuge Liang was Liu Bei's strategist and is still regailed as Asia's most intelligent and cunning strategist and philosopher. A lot of principles he stood by are still commonly followed by Buddhists. The two are also famously drinking buddies and if I remember correctly, Zhuge Liang was convinced by Guan Yu to join Liu Bei's war efforts and his pursuit of everlasting peace over some drinks. And to the ice cream question. TMI but my teeth were bad so it was excruciating to eat ice cream let alone bite, so ever since getting dentures I bite my ice cream for revenge lol

Prisha Rai

Lol it feels so strange to hear you guys address a comment I made under your video even though it was meant for you guys to read 😂 (the friend one)


yes!! usually they’d clap their hands to hit the slate but since both v and jimin were holding the cameras on one hand, they hi fived


I'm not a native speaker but is there a difference between jam and marmelade? I always thought those were just two different words for the same thing haha


I collect shirts haha like Wes I like to bring something from a country I can use so I always get shirts with the name of the city (not the cliche I love x though haha) to remember the vacation and then use them as my sleep shirts :)


Jimin being the most active on social media? I wish haha he and Jungkook are MIA most of the time. Right now we're getting an unusal amount of content from Jimin because he has just been announced as the global ambassador of Dior and was invited to their show at the Paris fashion week. But mostly it's Namjoon and Hobi that post a lot if not daily


cat in korean is goyangie (u can say it like go-yang-ie) and its a calico so its called sam saek goyangie (sam is 3, saek is colour) so the direct translation is 3 coloured cat!


steph saying jimin takes a lot of pictures but he doesnt really post them is true😭 he used to be very active years ago on their twitter page but now we're just really lucky to receive any of his selfies or personal photos


jimin used to very active on twitter a few years back, but since opening their instagram accounts, namjoon and hobi are the most active.


Bts just posted the behind the scenes of their Busan concert. I think you guys should check it out.


The way you guys said you love nature moments and then camping because season 4 is like 70% camping in New Zealand

tannie misser

since you guys liked bts on you quiz on the block i'm sure you'd love ''let's BTS'' as well!


I thought I remembered hearing those names from when my sons played Dynasty Warriors. Lol


That's exactly where I learned it! 😂 Or what sparked my interest anyway. I grew up with those games and Shu under lord Liu Bei's command was my favorite storyline besides Lu Bu with Diao Chan. Super cool way to learn a relatively small part of Chinese history. My grandma hated me playing those and refused to get me them for Xmas because "violence" but once she realized how much I learned from them, she gave it up and got me one. x3


hey guys !! would you please consider watching their PTD concerts in LV ? their all available on Disney+ i love watching concerts with you guys


knowing bros is a great one too, im surprised more people havent mentioned it


For me, the difference between jam and marmelade is that marmelade is smooth and thick, the consistency is sort of like a mousse, there are no chunks of fruit in it. It also has less sugar than jam. I'm from Poland btw, and here beside marmelade (marmolada) and jam (dżem) we have 'powidła' and 'konfitura' which both translates into "jam", but all this things are completely different from each other.

Mia Fisher

I collect music boxes from countries I go to, or just any that I like haha


i collect wallet unique to that country then make I put leftover currencies in there


wait isn't what you put on your American "peanut butter and jelly" the same as maralade??

Penny D Young

This guy missed half of the show. He doesn't even look at the screen.