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We saw there is some controversy on how we should watch FMA! Let's settle this once and for all! We're abiding by the results here! Deadline 1/4/23! 

(we also really wanted to try making a poll lol) we'll get the next episode reacted to after the poll



I was going to suggest this on your next FMAB reaction lol

Infinite Ree

I'm voting dub just cause I want the sub snobs to lose 😆 But I have heard that the dub is better for this show


sub always better for anime . no matter how good is dub , sub always 1-2 step ahead of dub


Do as you say. Orginal is always better . Cause they know how to illustrate something ( orginal va gets instructions from animator director himself while dub va doesn't get those instructions that's why many dub has misinterpreted ) Do some research before calling someone out

Infinite Ree

It's okay to let ppl enjoy stuff *however* they want to. If you prefer sub, go for it. I generally don't care how other ppl enjoy fiction.


You are doing opposite my guy . Wes And Steph watching in sub . But some of you guys has issues and commenting for dub . So , who is opposing here ?? You said let people enjoy however they want. Wes and Steph watching in sub . It has no issues but few people comments for dub that's why this poll

Infinite Ree

Lol. Nope I only voted cuz the poll got put up. Maybe do some research on who was complaining before calling someone out. 😉


I saw your comment above. + If you are neutral then you wouldn't have reply to my comment in the first place. You prefer dub that's why you replied to me . I doubt anyone who likes sub will reply to me cause i talked against dub lol . Btw it is what it is. Lol


The dub is honestly one of the only good anime dubs out there, but I never watched in sub before and there is a different context in Japanese so I voted sub, but I think how you guys want to watch it should matter more than what we think 💜


I love both so whichever wins is fine by me but would love to get some double drops cause I love this show and your reactions!😋


Sub is usually better than dub for many reasons including culturally and linguistically. That’s coming from someone who’s multilingual. That being said, dubs have come a long long way since the 90s 😂😂😂. For this particular series, even though I have nostalgic memories of the dub, personally I’d go with sub cuz the main voice actor in the English dub is problematic. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but that’s up to your opinion.


The dubbed version is really good in FMA. The subs good too but I’d prefer the dubbed for sure


Cause he's problematic? His, mustang and Al's VA are why the dub is far better? If you mean the false allegations levelled against him, he's not in jail for a reason.


That’s your opinion. But the courts ruled out his defamation case and still sided with three of his accusers so 🤷🏻‍♀️. Whatever you want to believe but until things are definite and there’s more official rulings, still controversial. Now, if you want to direct me to a reputable article that talks about how he’s been proven innocent, I’ll gladly read and educate myself.


You definitely supported Amber Heard last year, glad to see you're that low in life.


Lmao what a weird assumption to make just because you can't prove me wrong or at least able to give me reputable sources that tell me I'm wrong hahaha. I'm more than willing to admit I'm wrong as long as you can provide proof as to why^_^. And to be honest, I don't like either Amber Heard or Johnny Depp. They've both been proven to be problematic people or have done very questionable things. But watch their movies, shows, content, or whatever if you want. That's your personal choice. And thanks for being concerned, but I'm living my best life <3