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I was shaking with anger that they really didn't go on that date! The high five was hilarious though


A "NEET" is basically a shut in, like Kazuma in Konosuba. I listen next time you watch you'll hear Aqua call him "Hiki-Neet" all the time, forgot what the Hiki part means...

Kevin Baker

NEET: Not Employed, in Education (in college/uni), or Training (apprentice/coop). Hikkikomori: total withdrawal from society and seeking extreme degrees of social isolation and confinement. Basically stays in their room/apartment with no job/school. So a Hikki is a NEET, but a NEET is not necessarily a Hikki, assuming they go out/socialize normally.

Loi B

In the UK we have 'parents evening' where our parents like in the name go have a one-on-one meeting with our teachers, basically them reporting how we are doing in class, what we can focus on ect

Molly Clifford

you should check out romantic killer!