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Watch "Kaguya Season 2 Episode 11" on Streamable.


tracee miasco

The cheerleadjng isn't that much exaggerated. Although I'm not japanese, we have similar activities/festivals at school in Philippines and I could imagune the cheerleading part happening if someone thought of it and people were down to do it. The only hurdle is if the principal or maybe the home room teacher would approves it

tracee miasco

During festivals, its common for students that studied in that school in the past to visit so the girl ishigami had an issue with in the past being there wasn't weird. Reasons for visiting is the activities, food, friends in that school etc


Ishigami didn’t say that the boyfriend was cheating is exactly because of what the boyfriend said, “She will become the object of pity”


She isn't showing up five years later, the whole Ishigami event happened just the prior year. Ishigami is just a first year in high school, and the event happened in the last year of junior high.

Molly Clifford

i think you guys would really enjoy the anime 'romantic killer'!


I think you guys got everything pretty well but just in case. Ishigami found out Ogino was cheating on Kyoko. Ogino offered to let Ishigami have sex with Kyoko if he kept quiet. Ishigami beat Ogino up. Ogino threatened to hurt Kyoko if Ishigami said anything about the cheating or explicit videos. Ishigami never gives his side of the story to keep Kyoko safe, but he also never apologized so he couldn’t go back to school. Luckily, Miko fought to let Ishigami advance to high school. That caught the attention of the high school principal. The principal told student council to investigate it, and after finding out the truth they allowed Ishigami to advance to high school. The truth was never made public though as to not waste Ishigami’s efforts. All that happened in a span of a few months