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Watch "Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 17-1" on Streamable.



IK i'm super late to this, but couldn't mai just leave and get a normal, non-sorcerer job? :D


steph about to burst in tears about mai and maki. cause thats my same reaction when i first watched this😭


I don't think Mai hated Maki as a kid. She was just saying how she felt about Maki in the present. Also, when you guys asked why Mai didn't leave with Maki. Wasn't it kinda weird that Mai's reasoning was probably what most sane people would say? She just doesn't want to fight horrifying curses that kill people in terrible ways! It's an obvious answer but you don't really think about it since it's an anime. People like Itadori do that crazy stuff so casually it's weird to see someone normal who would be scared of it!