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Bts & Papa Mochi Are Reunited

Watch "Bts & Papa Mochi Are Reunited" on Streamable.



Ok this was so long ago but watching this again just brought me back to that time. They were two little jokes, but they were jokes that absolutely could have been anything else aside from feeding into two toxic narratives: that a boyband can't do anything meaningful (and that the reason why they have to be taken seriously is because of how scary ARMYs are) and that all BTS fans are teenage girls. He could have said "a lot of world leaders were allegedly dancing in their seats" or "concert tickets are going to be harder to fight for now..." and those would have been hilarious and harmless jokes. He didn't deserve the death threats and I'm glad that him and the boys still have their bond, but I'm not excited for future guestings on his show. Something I want to point out though is that all the boys are very aware of how fandoms (especially that of boybands) are seen as consisting of crazy, hormonal teenagers. RM, especially, is good at navigating that. When they were making their name in the US, hosts would ask if they had any crazy experiences with ARMYs - he would translate the question differently to mean "meaningful experiences" or sometimes say "no, they would never hurt us" etc. Of course a part of that is good media training, not talking about bad experiences they must've had (trust me, there are some crazy ARMYs out there) but it's still sweet that RM does that. This interview is another example, a lot of us appreciated that he said "we appreciate your apology" 💜 Even just bringing that up was ballsy, I think James Corden didn't expect it 😅


We were so proud of Joon for bringing James' comments up and then ending with "we accept your apology" despite James trying really hard to avoid accountability. Worse things have been said about BTS by many a TV personality, of course. James definitely spun his comments a little to come off better but I think most of our issue was that James has been a favorite in our community for a long time--like since 2017 (he's Papa Mochi!)--and ARMYs have been so good to him (raising money for his charities, sending him flowers, giving him the biggest ratings of his career) so to hear the same old tired "jokes" that the rest of the world foists on us from him (when we know he knows better), it was a betrayal. He was one of the industry actors who seemed to get what BTS was up against and seemed to want to give BTS a platform where they were taken seriously as artists so for him to push the "their fans are screaming teenage girls" stereotype was a very unpleasant gut punch. So there was very strong backlash. Though most of it was calm, cool, collected--grown ARMYs expressing their justifiable disappointment and asking for an apology for example. Of course, some people take it too far--ARMY doesn't endorse or encourage or tolerate death threats (if we come to know about someone leveling them, we get their account suspended) but every fandom has their jerks (and if you're an asshole on the internet, you're an asshole on the internet regardless of who you stan). Plus people slap on a BTS profile pic to troll and make us look bad all the time. I was more offended that James, having seen all the good we do, used his platform to give those trolls attention again casting ARMY in a role he knows doesn't apply to most of us. Anyway, BTS forgave James and most of us did too. It was a reminder to us that we can't trust anyone but BTS at the end of the day (though John Cena and Jimmy Fallon and Halsey have yet to fail us *knock on wood*). So that's kind of the full story there. We can take jokes. But we're particularly sensitive about people perpetuating untrue stereotypes about them or us (ARMY). So hearing it from Papa Mochi of all people really sucked.


Also, it's easy to think ARMYs are over-sensitive but if you'd been through what BTS & ARMY have, you would be too, I promise.


Please react to Let's BTS! It's super deep and interesting also they interviewed BTS by keyword that related to their album/ themself/ and army. They also allowed the boys to say something that they want to say to the member too. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x81thik https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x81tmmh


I'm using translator so sorry for the mistakes. Personally, I think the joke was horrible, it was a direct offense to Army and BTS's work as people and artists. Putting a fandom that is gigantic with different ages, races and nationalities into one category is offensive. Obviously it shouldn't rise to the level of threats but if fans don't speak up and complain we will be ignored, especially on a subject that army always tries to change. They didn't even apologize to Army who supported the show, if they had apologized from the beginning it wouldn't have evolved the way it did. Nobody deserves threats and I can't say for sure that some other crazy person didn't do it but not in the exaggerated way that he says. Rather people posted their ages, professions and demanded an apology.


I hope you react to "Lets BTS" is a korean show and its super good!


I'm so happy that RM addressed this issue and told him to his face because ARMY stands up for BTS and BTS stands up for ARMY. We have no one else, only ourselves. I also recommend xceleste's video where she recounts the mistreatment that BTS has suffered throughout their career.


those 15 yr old girls type of jokes have an underlying misogynistic tone. often it is used to imply that 15 yr old girls are shallow and likes "cringy" stuff like boybands and makeups and when you as a girl likes stuff that are by default related to men like sports you are cool and not like other girls. Its not really about army's age. cause we all know thats not true i myself is 22 but also once a "15 year old girl" who was also dismissed by this type of connotations.


the carpool karaoke was in 2020 before the pandemic, this interview was after their crosswalk concert in 2021 last year! you should really check it out :)


Yes, this exactly. You explained very well the POV of those of us who were really disappointed (to say the least) with the situation, thank you.

Kimberley Telford

I want to really clarify something about the jokes he made. In this interview, he really focuses on the "I called them 15 year old girls" part. And of course some were upset with that. But actually, he didn't mention the part most people were actually upset with. He made the assessment that 15 year old girls couldn't be interested in politics, unless a boyband gave them a reason. he implied teenage girls to be thoughtless and only act like 'crazy' teen girls. It was the underlined misogyny that most were ACTUALLY upset with. He conveniently didn't mention this part to bts during the interview.

Diana Rabago

I actually didn't get mad about the joke. I wasn't all happy but for several reasons i decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. I stopped liking him after THIS interview. He knew he pissed off a lot of people and made them feel disrespected, and he was given a perfect oportunity to apologize and he didn't take it. He made a mistake - which is fine, everybody makes mistakes - and the polite and mature thing to do is to apologize. It shows humility. When you hurt somebody is not about you, it's about what the other person is feeling. And this man made the situation about him, very egocentric. Besides he tried to get out of this situation the same way he got in... using more negative stereotypes. He says he loves them but apparently not enough to care about their fans. He NEVER looked once at the camera. He only focused on BTS when it was pretty clear that none of them were showing signs of anger. I guess for him love and respect are only for famous people. He just needed to say i'm sorry. It was so easy. He is a grown man, a successful host and an actor. He has all those tools and he didn't bother to use them and also no PR skills. So disappointing on so many levels. I was a huge fan of him and not bc of BTS. I've watched his show since it started. Ps: He admitted that he needed therapy to stop being a brat because he got famous and that his "parents prayed for him, and his sisters tried to speak to him about what a dickhead he was being." Plus there are several stories about him being an arrogant asshole.


Guys it has been more than a week since you uploaded the last bon voyage episode.. When are you gonna do it?


the joke was stupid but did nothing to deserve the level of hate and death threats he got from fans. the army is a really hardcore fanbase, if you even offend them a little bit it turns into a mob. this entire interview was deeply uncomfortable. if you learn anything from it just make opinions yourselves, you dont have to listen to what armies try to convince you of necessarily. its up to you guys.


tbh I took the joke as meaning a young girl wouldn’t normally wish to be an old man but now they would bc that old man is close to bts. i didn’t take it as every army is a little girl. even if that was the joke it doesn’t matter bc people have been saying that about fans of boy groups for YEARS…..


It's been awhile since you posted this so I don't know if you'll see this comment. Regarding V and the other members laughing. Sometimes he does make jokes with a straight face that the others catch. But quite often he is also saying something oddly in Korean. He's known to not always be the best speaker. He mixes up his words or phrases things oddly. And he repeats certain things often in one sentence. Translators mostly just skip over it and translate what he meant to say, so non-Korean fans don't realize. The other members do often laugh. Sometimes they correct him or question what he means. Other times they put it together and "translate" what he meant. They and editors often call it Taetae language and in much older content V's alien language. I'm assuming this was the case here because usually his jokes are translated so foreign fans can get it too. But his stumbling usually isn't.