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Demon Slayer Episode 6 Reaction

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When they say "black blades are wielded by those who don't get far", they're talking about how people with black blades have never made it to fame, the're not 'well known' for anything, it doesn't mean they're unskilled or bad, they're an unknown factor. Certain colored blades are sometimes colors belonging to famous or well achieving swordsmen. Urodaki is simply stating there is no concrete answer about black blades and what that means for the wielder, but sometimes colors are indicators of one's destiny, fortune, or fate. It's more of superstition


A lot of the questions you ask is due to the fact Demon Slayer Corps are a private organization that is not officially recognized by the government. Because of this, not everyone has heard of Demon Slayers, they're just rumors/stories passed around, starting from those who have first-hand experience in seeing them fight.


Commercial break is usually halfway through the episode at the 10-14 min mark, with 1:30 minute for op and ending. TV show episode placed in usually 30 min blocks, the actual episodes are typically 20-24 min at most, with 2-3 commercial breaks before, during, and after a TV episode, that's 3-5 commercials at least. Basically like music you have Part A and Part B for the episode. Some episodes are broken up into 2 or 3 parts due to the anime being adapted from a short manga that is 3, 6, or 9 panels per 'chapter'.