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I love Wes’s cosplay of “Eyepatch” (wink wink) #WesHasASecretKagune ?


In my country, the old people will say to avoid getting caught outside during twilight because it's the time when reality and the supernatural occurs. This happened to me once - it's not exactly supernatural, but me and my friend got caught during twilight in a cemetery! We got absolutely lost and it felt very surreal - the feeling of being so close to death and yet still being very much alive!


Ya basically all over the world that has animism, they all believe that the "in-between" (gateways, thresholds, tunnels, crawl spaces, twilight and sunrise, bridges, entrances into forests ect.) Is how you enter the spirit realm, land of the fae, and whatever else spirit entity a country has. Also, I slept on a futon on wood and on tatami. Futon itself is weird. Both uncomfortable, but also the best sleep I ever had? Lol like I'm not used to sleeping on hard surfaces but it was amazing on my back! But the mat is like.. if you cushion a board. And they expect you to put it away everyday but it's sooooo heavy~ 😫 the floors, the only difference I noticed because the mat is so thick, is the wood floor was colder and tatami mat retained warmth