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Liam Crawford

This is easily one of my top 5 shows and if you made a new tier exclusively for a reaction of the full season all at once I'd buy it in a heart beat (NOT a critique you guys got lives to live and a lot of other stuff to watch I just LOVE IT SO MUCH AND WANT IT SO BAD😭)


To give a history lecture, or to not give a history lecture, that is the question.. lol meh, I'll keep it short today. As far as Thors waiting for a age appropriate time to teach Thorfinn his morals, the time he SHOULD have done it was when Thorfinn first started glorifying war, or even more important, when he broke the kid's arm. Thors just wanted to duck his head in the sand and not have to think about his time in war, and so he never bothers explaining himself to his children. He hid it from them he deserted the Vikingr. Also Ylva is basically an adult and he didn't bother to teach her his morals either when she kept complaining they needed a slave. Smh, a OBGYN doctor on YouTube answered a question like "how do you know when is the appropriate age to discuss sexual education to children?" (Ie. Periods, anatomy, ect.) Which this question can easily be changed to "how do you know when to teach your children anything?" And and she says "kids will let you know when they're ready because they will show an interest. If you tell them a little bit, and they keep showing interest, you keep going. If they decide they don't want to know more, you wait until they ask again" and I feel this goes for anything because another quote I like is that "when you wait for an appropriate opportunity to discuss something with your children, they will have already learned on their own" which is sooooo true. My parents were too uncomfortable to discuss anything with me, so I went out and learned from others and trust me, you want your children learning from you because not all information will be good, safe, and accurate, but they will end up getting themselves into dangerous situations. Granted your child is only what, 4? Lol you should be safe for one more year. Thorfinn however was plenty old enough to learn lessons his father could've taught him. A quick history TLDR: The Vikings were a specific job among the Germanic Tribes. The Germanic Tribes were Germany (not unified at the time, so they were just a bunch of indigenous tribes scattered around), Denmark (Danes) Sweden (Swedes) and Norway (Norse). Some King (I forgot his name) united all the tribes in order to make peace with the Saxons, promising to turn his people Christian in exchange for being allowed to settle in England. (By this time, the Danes, and Norse had already settled on Scottish and several other lands including NA) peace was tentative but when the English attacked the "Danes" (the Saxons called them all Danes even if they were Norse or Swede) while they were bathing, in hopes to eradicate them all in one go. This is where Vinland saga takes place is during this wartime. Meanwhile in Scotland, there was relative peace with the Norse until the war between Catholics and Protestants, which caused a lot of problems for the Pagans, including attempted extermination (St. Patrick's day celebrates the massacre of Celtic and Norse Pagans for eg. In a similar event) and very few areas of Scotland remained unaffected by all the infighting, which forced a slew of Scottish and Scottish-Norse citizens to immigrate to NA. (My family among them 🫡) and then the Pagans all hid in the US until they all slowly turned Christian and lived happily ever after as Amish, Mennonite, and homesteaders and our stories end up bastardized in movies like the Blair witch project.. meanwhile in Europe you see the complete annihilation of anything pagan except for Sweden, who cloistered all pagan history into a vault to hide from the Christians, which is where we get all our accurate knowledge from, vs the crap the priests wrote on the Norse. (Where we see the bulk of mentions of them being barbarians who raped and slaughtered thoughtlessly without reason. 80% of it was propaganda, and while some was true, the Saxons did the very same things.) For the record, this is short by my standards.. 😂 I tried so hard not to go on a tangent..

Micah Steinhoff

Wow, I thought I knew enough about the whole Christian v.s Pagan religious war, but obviously there's a lot more than I thought. Thanks for the insight!