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ah, and there it is!! that comment from bokuto (and honestly, the moments with bokuto, akaashi, and kuroo in general) will be soooo important to tsukki’s arc. especially when he gets that “moment” with volleyball. can’t wait for y’all to react to that !!


i think the beauty of haikyuu is that everybody at one point end up being the main character, that’s why you get attached to so many characters and you get to see their growth and their dynamics and how much of an impact every interaction has on them as individuals and a team


From this point, Tsukki's my boy lol he gets extremely cheeky from here on out and I love his sass lol Also the addiction to accomplishment is out nature to progress as a species~ so as humans, we get happy hormones when we succeed and that gives us the literal will to live. Without small successes, we start to give up on living. In the case of ADHD, it's recently been discovered that we have a "setting" in our brain Dr. Hallowell named DMN, or "Demon" which is because of our lack of ability to produce the hormones we need, our brain will hungrily seek out ANY stimulation, and when it can't find enough, our brain's DMN system, or our Demon, will start to mentally torture us to get stimulation because pain releases dopamine, so when you feel emotional pain, or cry, you are getting the hormones it's begging for, so if we sit for a period of time, our thoughts tend to turn toward things like negative self talk or remembering sad things, making us unhappy. So it is shown that ADHD people in particular, ESPECIALLY have a drive to improve, and it is recommended that we are constantly giving ourselves small successes until time to rest, or else we are particularly prone to dangerous behaviors, or depression and suicide. So it is LITERALLY addicting to have that moment in time when you succeed in something, and we experience withdrawals if we don't. I just had to share that because it's so interesting and fit perfectly to this topic