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"Everybodies a viking" lol no. The bad crew aren't Vikings, they're mercenaries. The main Jomsviking means they are Vikings for the Jom military, and Viking is the Norse term for sailing soldiers/warriors. It's a specific job. The people are called Norse (Northern tribes) Or you can break them up into Norwegian, Germanic, Dane, Swede. And I want to clear something up. Rape was medieval and even back then, still bad, but in war, most men would do it. Norse people's actually had laws against rape that even if you raped someone's slave, you would lose your pecker. BUT I'll still say that when you have men, patriarchy, drugs and alcohol, nit to mention acts of war, you will see a lot of rape, regardless of the cultural and legal repercussions. The Christians wanted to paint Norse Pagans as savage as humanly possible, so that's why we see so much representation of the Norse being big, filthy monsters who war monger and wear horns on their head and raping and pillaging, when in actuality, there were a LOT of misreprentations. Women had a lot more respect and power in Norway than in England at this point in time even. (Not much, but more) and though slavery existed there, they didn't dehumanize their slaves and they had a system where you could earn your freedom over time (again, not great, but not AS heinous as depicted most of the time, especially when you consider American slavery who dehumanized and had no exit strategy) Also the Vikings traveled west to find harvestable land or anything of profit, but in truth they just wanted to find better lands to settle for farming and England exacerbated the warring because the Norse were pagans and they eventually told them in order to set up shop, they had to convert. The guy who united Norway, the Danes and the Swedes called himself King and force converted his people which led to them escaping to Iceland where a lot of the Pagan practices survived along with Sweden who hid all of their pagan information.

Kerkko Kalske

Back then your name was a bigger deal than it is today. Your station and honor are tied to it. Children without names were usually considered bastards or such. Thats why Helga was insistant on Thors giving Ylva her name and "claiming" her as his. On top of the usual importance of the whole thing.