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Loro Lukic

Really love how you guys always look at stuff from a pragmatic vs emotional lenses. Keep Re:zero on the polls! I'm sure great discussions will happen when it comes around


I appreciate your guys' "therapy" lol cuz it helped me sort my own feelings and thoughts too. I think I said it waaaaaaaay back in season 1 episode 3-5 maybe, but I relate so much to Rudy and honestly, he's grown so much more than I thought he would, because I haven't grown past early S2 Rudy myself. Or in some ways, I'm still young Rudy, who was too scared to leave their yard. I'm still in the midst of trying to figure out how to leave my house and emotionally, I'm just learning to begin to let go of 30 years of trauma (that are still ongoing, so I also have to manage it as it comes while unpacking the rest) in living with my bully. Actually, with this episode I might even say I relate to Norn identically (at least in her world view) because of the fact she's scared of Rudy but everyone thinks he's great, and to her, he is her bully because he bullied her father, she's scared Rudy will kick her out if she does something wrong eg. Being herself, and rather than physical threats stopping her from leaving her room, it's her anxiety that locks her in her room. That is like looking in a mirror. So this episode was extremely hard, but eye opening in at least understanding how I need to be approached because my mom is a fix-it. She CAN'T stand seeing me mad, sad, depressed, or failing to function and so she always tries to help but in the worst ways, but I never knew how to articulate what upset me about how I'm approached or what I needed. Either author is a therapist, or they are writing from personal experience cuz damn lol. But aside from my own therapy session, what I wanted to say about the show is that I was thinking to myself "gods, I relate so hard to him. Well.. not the degenerate side" which made me realize not only how much Rudy has grown as a person that his degenerate side has become nonexistent from what we can see, I also had my own journey as a degenerate lol in my young adult years, I basically purposely subjected myself to repeated traumas to self-cope and so I wonder if degenerousy can be a symptom of basically losing your sense of compassion because of your own traumas? Like if you hate the world, you basically take on behavior that can be anti-social in nature because your empathy gets broken? And if by growing his sense of self again and learning empathy for others, Rudy has started to learn what social behavior is acceptable? I think that's a very interesting idea that got passively weaved into the story. 🤔 if I ever get back into school (yay crippling debt~🎉) I'll have to study if there's something to that in peer-reviewed studies.