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Saniah Bullard



It was interesting to see you guys change your view of the main character over the course of the episode and I wonder how you'll react to the next one. The thing about poverty is that everyone thinks they can smart their way out of it but it almost never works like that. One little misstep, one late car payment, one unexpected hospital bill, one accident that puts you out of work and your whole life can be yanked out from under you. There will be more about this later but there's a reason the show chose to include 2 men who grew up in the same neighborhood, same circumstances where one has meager education and few employable skills and the other was able to excel at school and supposedly "make it". But at the end of the day they both still ended up in debt and in the game desperately trying to pay it off. And once you are poor you get stripped of all control over your life--moving, changing jobs, getting a car, and in this case being able to see your child when you want--you need money to do any of that. People in situations like that get desperate and will do anything that gives them the chance of escaping (gambling, selling illegal substances, stealing, selling sex). It's something this show does well: the players are all from different backgrounds and have different stories, some seem like they might be good people and others like very bad people. But no matter their character they are all being exploited by the game and game makers.


forgot how painful the first episode is... So many red flags.

Danie Vasquez

Player 218, Cho Sang-woo is from Prison Playbook. I hope AFTER this, u could watch that too! It is sooo gooood! I swear.

Danie Vasquez

Wes' psychology background is in full drive in this episode lol