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Jordan Abernathy

Am I weird for being on her side. She HAS the right to not want a child out of wedlock. She HAS the right to be upset her current child is ruining her job opportunities when she did nothing wrong. Whether you agree with it or not she HAS that’s right without being judged. Sooooo many people do that.


there’s supposed to be a season 2!! not sure when it’s coming out though

Zaria Parker

I would say that it’s rare for a kdrama to get a second season, but there are some that do. Most of the shows I’ve watched only had one season. But there are rumors of a this show getting a second season.


I can't believe I finally finished this series with you guys!💕


Season two is comingggg ! Kang Tae-oh jus got out of the military so they’ll probably/hopefully start filming soon 🤞😭


I love this show and your reaction so much💕 It was first time that I watch this show, and it was really good! I can't wait for the next kdramas😍 Oh and I already commented this on the poll, but I wanna mention this again. Maybe it'll be good if you choose 1 or 2 shows among top 5 or 6 from the votes! And wouldn't it be okay not to have a new vote until you've seen all the shows on the top list? It's just my opinion, but because shows that are ranked 3-5 always tend to rank in the same places with each new vote, it's a shame you guys are missing out on these good shows😭😭

Samia Anderson

Woo Young Woo’s smile at the end is super beautiful. I love this series


I think I read somewhere that the CEO of Hanbada does have a personal vendetta against Sumi for something that happened in their college days. I don't know if that was a theory or something cut from the show and supposed to be expanded in the second season or what, I hope someone in the comment section can help me with that. This show makes me so happy, I'm glad y'all enjoyed it. I vaguely remember there being talks about a second season but it was put on hold until Junho's actor returned from military service. But looks like he's out now so it might just be cooking. We'll see! Unrelated but my phone went off the exact same time yours did in the video (same iphone ringtone and everything) and I freaked out when Wes asked if the phone was going, almost like he heard me or something, cus I didn't realize it was going off on your end too. It was weird lol. Anyways, can't wait for the next kdrama journey.


@1:36:24 It looks like Steph has shoulder length hair. I was like “how did I just notice she cut her hair?” Lol

Claudia Sc

There is a scene that was cut off with Tae su mi and the CEO of Hanbada that explained more the conflict between them. Tae su mi stoled the boyfriend of the CEO and he become the husband. But the professional rivalry between them is enough to make the CEO go againts Tae su mi.

Hanan Haliru

Something just occured to me that had very little to do with the episode but I noticed it because of Junho. And I think I noticed it in the Glory as well. Generally, when you see a Korean name with -jun, you pronounce it the same way you do Nam Joon. It is spelled the same in Hangul (준), but in English it kinda just depends on how you like it. The same way in subtitles you might see Yoongi spelled as 'Yoonki' sometimes, but it's pronounced the same. TXT's oldest member Yeonjun (that you guys saw on Suchwita) is pronounced the same way. Anyways, just thought I would leave this here since this made me think of it!


How does she have the right to get mad, when her boyfriend was willing to get married so that they don't have a child out of wedlock? He didn't just run away... Also, if she was so adamant about not having kids and focusing on her career, she should have either not had a boyfriend, used protection, or gotten with someone she would be willing to have kids with IF a mistake did happen. You can't go around doing whatever you want if you want to achieve a long and successful career, especially when wanting to become a high official of a country. That's why most people can't or won't choose that path because it's hard and includes a ton of discipline.

Jordan Abernathy

You do realize we live in a world where just because you become pregnant you DONT have to have the child. You just don’t have to. Whether you agree with it or not. She chose not to have a child and was still nice enough to give birth so the dad could have the child. She’s better than me. If I didn’t want a child I’m not going through with the pregnancy just for the man. She was so so kind to do that.


Korean dramas have been treated as cultural exports since the late 90's. There are other non-typical dramas that are more like soap-operas and sitcoms that run for YEARS, but the ones you would think that are stereotypically KDramas are the ones that are the super high budget, high paid writers, top star actors, and so on. VHS and DVD technology limited the amount of episodes a certain show would have (14-20) and since then, it has just been made a cultural standard. Of course, there are other dramas that go beyond 50 episodes, but those rarely got exported unless SUPER popular (i.e. historical dramas have never really been exported and their stories usually run for 50+ episodes). Now with the emergence of streaming platforms, you do see more production companies branch into more seasons, but that is also a clash in distribution rights. KDramas are typically funded by the BIG TV companies (MBC, KBS, SBS, JTVC) and then broadcasted in their own networks (like ABC, MSNBC, HBO Original, etc.) Once the drama becomes a hit in Korea, the production companies would then sign deals with distribution companies what would package them as DVDs or sign contracts with streaming companies like KOCOWA to be streamed in different VPNs. Once a "product" or storyline is done, distributors prefer to push new "products" rather than a second season, so the production companies don't really make them. Because of this, each "product" feels more like a complete story with an ending rather than a cliff-hanger. The original format of DVD box-sets drove the writing style, in a way. When Netflix officially came to Korea in 2016, this changed the game completely. The country now has access to their version of Netflix, but also has rights to stream Korean content on the platform. Smaller production companies now have the chance to fund dramas outside of heavily censored TV broadcasting companies, allowing more freedom of content and breakout of the standard norm. KOCOWA are also doing 3rd party sharing distribution deals with the same international platforms, so it will be interesting to see what this will lead to in the future.


the queen of tears preview at the enddd. Couldn't wait to watch it with you guys. Maybe on the next pollll


I agree that Tae Sumi has the right to all of this, but if she is pursuing a job that is heavily influenced by the court of public opinion, she can do nothing but conform to those standards. Perhaps the writers wrote this type of backstory to show the public that this standard is unrealistic, but at the same time, I can't say that this public reaction is an exaggeration.


I swear there was a reveal somewhere that the chef guy is mega rich and does the pub thing as a hobby? I think it was when he went on a date with Choi and it was a soft mention. Am I having false memories about someone revealing he's rich? Lol like he was a cheobal (?) son


Actor of Junho enlisted for his military service right after this drama and came out few days ago! Also season 2 will be made soon:)


Season 2 was confirmed pretty much right after season 1 aired, however Kang Taeho who played Junho enlisted in the Military a couple months after it aired, however he got discharged last week, so hopefully they can start filming Season 2 soon! Funnily enough, Park Eunbin who played Attorney Woo actually delayed the filming for Season 1 by a year because she was filming another show and the producers/directors really wanted her for Woo so they waited for her


Yes! Lol thank you. I still have a ways to go in Korean 😅


just finished rewatching all the episodes with y'all! so happy that i can rewatch them all again and again, this time with you guys! thanks for ur hard work! until next kdrama!


awww i enjoyed watching this one also for the first time with you guys. i especially loved all your discussions each case !!! 🥰🫶


I would have liked for you to watch MOVE TO HEAVEN. Bettet than this TBH

Md Sheam Bin Sayhid

Quite a few k-dramas actually do seasons. EO Attorney Woo should be getting a season 2 just like Glory. For this drama there’s a lot of storytelling left with Tsumi x Woo, Junho x Woo and some of the previous cases like temple case, intellectually challenged girl case and some others would reappear. For Glory, I think I already saw an update that it’s coming soon mostly focusing on the boyfriend’s revenge story. Vincenzo, Squid game should also be getting another season. Uncanny counter already has 2 seasons n should get another one. K-dramas normally tend to wrap up but some have multiple seasons.