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Vishwa Joshi

You have to remember,not everyone on zeke or eren's side knows exactly what the plan is yet.They have a vague sense of it in terms of what exactly it is that they are going to do.So some characters might seem like they are on a different side than the euthenization plan because they really aren't aware of it(like cult members almost) only we as an audience know what's on zeke's mind and we still don't have much insight into eren.


Pieck turning and pointing to Eren is a badass moment that doesn’t get mentioned enough


Strap in!! This 2nd part of season 4 is INSANE!!!! Hopefully you guys react to EPs 19-21 together!!!🙏ALSO DONT WATCH THE INTRO!!!! SO MANY SPOILERS!!!!!!

Noor E

This is regarding the remark to blind faith - In islam, God doesn’t want you to follow him blindly, he wants you to use your logic (if you were so lucky to be blessed with his mercy, and was given logic, or his wrath and made you illogical at some point) he want’s you to question everything he’s made happen… to realize his truth. That is different than blind faith, that’s called using your logic to have faith. Just sharing because some people do not just believe blindly, but there is faith that we should put our trust in God, like in hard times, but to remember, walk the path and God will build you the road - that’s borderline still logic faith (and not completely blind) because you should walk the path in order to have the road (and by this time you believe God is the all mighty) am I right?


oh salam! fellow muslim here and i do agree with you for the most part but that being said, there are a lot of things behind which we don't know the logic or that its "irrational" but we do trust Allah (God) even though we may not understand the rationale behind it. We know that there is wisdom behind every ruling and commandment and we shouldn't try to understand EVERYTHING for ex. the letters that begin most surah (chapters) in the Quran. we dont't know what they refer to bc Allah is Knower of the seen and unseen and we do not know the unseen.