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With volleyball, it never hurt me as much if the game went to three sets and we lost because at least we had won once 😭 but out of the six teams I had played on (club and school) half were bad teams that lost 50% of the time. So I got desensitized to losing and pretty much just reviewed how I did. If I did well but we lost, I’d be fine. But sometimes I’d do bad and felt like I lost even if the team won. This show always makes me miss playing so much 😩 I just always want to go be on the court after watching

Millie b

god haikyu is my fav show that u have reacted to and i desperately need more!!!! like how is this little silly show about high school volleyball getting me so worked up and emotional, crazy. I've seen it before like over quarantine so rewatching it again with a lot of what happens exactly gone from my head is so fun :D