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Scouts and MP were always at odds with each other. Remember the trial coz MP wants to kill Eren? Remember Kenny's gunsquad shootout vs the Scouts? Heck, even Nile holding Erwin at gunpoint while Annie was wrecking havoc in the interior shows how the trust issues run deep. There's no love lost between the two regiments. Now MP wants to give the Founder powers to someone else and the Scouts would rather side with Marleyans than hand Eren over to them.

Noor E

Eren is going through his rebellious teenager stage 😆 - actually, I think Hange said that a few episodes ago haha


I really hope a majority aren't team Zeke/Eren.. 😅 team terrorist more like. But man, I really respect the main scouts, Hange and Sasha's family in this episode. It would take so much to see past the murder of a loved one to see the grey area of this situation, that although Gabi pulled the trigger, she's not completely at fault and is just another victim.