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after leaving the Chinese restaurant tails walks through the back alley in the middle of the night to get home. He then hear a strange noise behind the trash cans. hello is anybody there said tails. the figure emerged from behind the trash cans and approach the fox. it was a sangheili but looked strange it had big over sized Lopsided horse testicles also replacing the breast as well a crotchhead with a horse tongue. and usually sangheili’s don’t grow hair on their body but  this one did it had hair on top of her head and between her huge testicles. hey cutie looking for a good time Uruuuck. a huge horse cock emerged from her mouth. tails walk back slowly and bump into a another figure but much more larger. it was a deathclaw with huge breast and hair with between them a horse cock horn with balls covering her eyes and a hanging nut sack between her breast. tails covered his nose because both them smelled really musty. we’re going to have a lot of fun with you baby uruuuck (cock emerging from mouth) said the deathclaw.



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