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Hey everyone I’m writing this post just updating you on what I’ve been up to this past week and a half or so. First off, the next secret game, Phantom Limb : Genius Loci :

I’ve taken to referring to Phantom Limb : Genius Loci as “the occultic school mystery” because well, there’s lots of dark unnatural stuff that happens and you have to work through it and uncover what you can in order to save/stop the central figure of the game, the student who you (an on-campus mental health professional) know is having some sort of crisis which could bring harm to someone, themself or others, if it is not resolved soon. The game has two parts, one I would say is more based on management of your time (you can’t go to each room in the building one-by-one looking for the student so you have to be smart about where you go/who you talk to) but also the resources you have in the staff you have on hand, a campus security officer who can help you cover more ground, and a part-time office worker who is also a student at the campus who will help you gather information about the building and other ancillary knowledge that will help you.

The other half of the game is using the information you’ve gathered and deploying it in conversations with the troubled student, drawing out what information you can but also trying to be somewhat tactful in what questions you ask, not offending or going too far but also not wasting time.

(placeholder text taken from wikihow page "How To be A Psychic")

I’m very excited for you all to play the game, working on it is my top priority at the moment, although I’ve dipped into a bit of Discover Our Bodies as well as I’ve also been working on a sort of anatomical dictionary/index for the game’s examination mode. As you know Discover  My Body was all about seeking out points of interest (info points) across the different cross-sections of  the body you had access to and then discovering even more as the body of the subject begins to change and transform. In Discover Our Bodies there will be a lot of these info points, a lot of areas to keep track of, a lot to discover, so I wanted to make a system that would handle this information so it would be more available at a glance but also so that if you wanted to you could navigate to a point of interest with the neutron coronal scanner without having to point and click your eyeball all the way over again, so its a little like fast-travel for body scanning.

Lastly, Growing My Grandpa! will be getting non-English language text releases soon, which may or may not be relevant to you, but its exciting (yay) .

I hope you all are well and thank you so much for your ongoing support. I’ve got a lot in the works and I’m very excited to get the next game to you soon. As always please let me know if you have any comments or questions, either here or on Discord. Thanks again!

Yours In Games,



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-21 19:37:48 Thank you Yames! Always wonderful to get an update from you, hope you're doing well while managing all this work! <3
2023-07-21 03:08:06 Thank you Yames! Always wonderful to get an update from you, hope you're doing well while managing all this work! <3

Thank you Yames! Always wonderful to get an update from you, hope you're doing well while managing all this work! <3


did the design of the neutron coronal scanner really change? the old one made more sense