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Hello Patrons, I'm gonna be mostly going over some Ruins Of The Human Temple stuff in this post because I have a lot to share right now. You may have seen some of it on the discord however I hope to go into a little more detail here in order to breakdown what you're seeing. At the bottom of this post I will go into the Halloween game a little bit, for Fall is in the air.

So Ruins Of The Human Temple is a game about exploring a weird structure at the bottom of the sea as a post-human robot. The reason you are exploring the temple will be revealed in more detail in the game's plot but basically you are a special machine equipped with special tools and your mission is to get to the very base of the temple (under the ground, beneath the sea floor).

In order to get through the temple you will have to begun to understand how it works, which you can do through accessing the glyphs you find on temple walls and statues, but the only way you can begun to understand and decipher the glyphs is to access the remnants of the beings who used them. their forms are stored in pockets that look sort of like frog or fish eggs. basically you use their remains and extract their coherence of these glyphs in order to be able to understand them yourself.

Since this game is a spiritual successor to Water Womb World, I wanted to make the design mirror it a bit, as it already does mirror it thematically a lot, in a sense. Just like in Water Womb World, you are looking around on the sea floor (or a temple on the sea floor) and then returning back to your lab to process and study what you found (to process the incarnations and the ability to use new glyphs).

I mentioned the lab, in Ruins Of The Human Temple your lab is a big softbody robot that will follow you around as you progress through the temple.

Here is the player character being received by the lab (Game Maker Studio 2 sort-of-recently added a feature for video playback which has been great for me, my previous way of doing things involved a huge number of .PNGs played back rather awkwardly.)

Here's what I have so far of the lab interior:

And the interior of an revived incarnation:

I hope this all looks neat to you, I'm really happy with how it's been coming along so far. Onto other things:

I've gotten a lot of work done in the past few days and I'm happy to report I am feeling a lot better after my medication switch. I am going to make a few more "housekeeping" type posts in the next few days just to announce a few things and also do a sort of State Of The Patreon because messaging is hard and I want to get better at it! I am only one person though and I often am doing a bunch of things, but messaging is one of the more important things...

But onto the super secret Halloween game. I have been planning this in advance because I really do want to have it ready by Halloween. It will definitely be shorter because the scope is more limited, and it will be more atmospheric than narrative, more systems based than linear, although still having a goal. The tone will be more along the lines of My Father Turned Me Into Trees And Rivers if you've ever seen any of my stuff from that game (development for it is currently on hold) however what I mean to say is that there will be a similar sense of pervasive dread/hopelessness, more one-note than something like Growing My Grandpa! which has some sincerity and emotional depth injected into it. I am not going to post any visuals from it until it is done because I truly want it to be surprising.

With all that being said, thanks so much for supporting me and believing in me and my work, it really means a lot and I am infinitely grateful for your interest in my bizarre and weird games.

Yours In Games, 




glad to hear things are going better! :) Absolutely love how Ruins of the Human Temple is looking, those visuals have me completely captivated already. I loved Water Womb World, so naturally this new game is something I'm looking forward to quite intensely :))) And I'm extremely interested in this mysterious Halloween game!!!


All you had to say of that it’s like water womb world and I’m super excited! Looking forward to the Halloween game as well!