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Hey everyone! Sorry it’s been a little bit since I have made an update post, I recently got off a medication and the withdrawal has been giving me a ton of fatigue. I’ve still been getting game dev stuff done but the fatigue makes it hard to sit down and write about everything I’ve did after a day of work, however I’ll be better once the withdrawal period is done which should be pretty soon. Anyway, this post is mostly about Discover Our Bodies, I have been structuring the systems that will make up the exam portion of the game, if you have read previous posts about DOB you might be familiar with the gist of the idea: much like in Discover My Body, you will be going over the subject with your “eyecon” and scanning for anything of note, however in Discover Our Bodies you will be able to view your subject in much greater detail and also take a much more active role in facilitating the weird and wonderful and horrifying post-human procedures possible in DOB.

The diagnostic scan will allow you to map out new territory for a given body by finding points of interest related to the steps of the procedure or any area of the body that might be showing unexpected signs of complication. From these points of interest you can choose to look even further, zooming down into the body and adjusting the neutron coronal scanner to get a good look at an area and its various interrelated bodily processes.

Not every nook and cranny will have something relevant to your current goal, however you might be surprised what exploration will reveal, for successive transformation or alterations from normal human bodily form will bring new chances to gather diagnostic data, and these metathanasiac operations are cutting edge science.

As I mentioned, DOB will have you taking a more active role in operating and accomplishing the medical and metaphysical transformations possible with advancements in psychomycology. At the moment I have only this little informational diagram to show you but I hope it makes sense. Your access to making changes within the body (with strictly material technology anyway) is gated by the advances into the body you make, so by making incisions into the topical layer you can access deeper passage into the body with which to make alterations/repairs/installation/injections etc etc.

I've also slowly but surely making graphical improvements to DOB, I have a pretty solid pipeline for rendering out, processing and illustrating over the subject body graphics. I know I haven't shown anything too extreme/horrific yet, don't worry, that's in the works! mostly as a test case though I have been making the rather generic looking simulated subjects you have been seeing, they are consciousnesses-free humanoids grown in biocultivators for the purpose of medical training and experimentation. The actual subjects, the ones you will be working with on important (graded) procedures will have a little more character to them.

By the way! Halloween is quickly approaching. I don't want to say too much but I am trying really hard to have something for you all to play by then, whether that be Ruins Of The Human Temple or a smaller project I've been working on. I'd love it to be the smaller project because it is very much horror/spooky focused. I do want it to be a true surprise however, so I'll not say too much.

Again, please excuse my late post, I really try to post something at least every week and when I don't hit that target I feel not great about it. Thank you to everyone who has signed up recently by the way! If you or anyone else has any questions or comments please feel free to message me here or on discord, i'd be happy to talk with you. As always thank you so much for your continued support it means a lot to me that you believe so much in my work.

Yours In Games, 




make sure you're taking time for yourself!! so excited to see what comes next for the games, take all the time you need to recover :)


Never fun feeling off, but glad to hear you're on the mend. A visit to Dr. Morrison might help...