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Hey everybody sorry for my radio silence this latter half of the month, I've been busy with Growing My Grandpa! which is nearly done, just has been sort of a hassle ironing out some of the final details related to the chase sequence towards the end of the game plus working with 3d assets has been a learning experience, it definitely offers more freedom but requires more planning than I am used to (2d sprites I can definitely do a lot more stuff on the fly). Otherwise I'm very happy with how things have gone, this is definitely my most ambitious one of these shorter projects and I think you all will love it.

Ruins Of The Human Temple will be out in December following shortly after the release of Growing My Grandpa and then I've got a couple of options for the third Yames' Secret Game, although if the prototypes I've made of those they are definitely more constrained in scope than Growing My Grandpa! I've been more interested lately to returning to my roots and doing a "single screen" type game akin to Discover My Body, maybe for yames secret game 3 and 4.

I'll be posting more of what I have from gmg and also some mock-ups for one of the ysg entries tomorrow.
Thanks so much everyone for your support, it means a ton to me that you like my work enough to do what you do. As always feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments. Hope you all are doing well.

Yours in games,



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