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Hi everyone, just wanted to make a post letting you all in on a little sneak peak of the next Yames’ Secret Games entry. I’ve had a couple of ideas for the next few YSGs but the one I am planning for before or around halloween release is based on a few older japanese adventure games, some ive played some I’ve watched playthroughs of.

The above video is for this YSG and its working title is “Growing My Grandpa!” but I might change that. It’s certainly an evocative title. Plus the concept of family friendly horror is intriguing to me, in a half-joking way?

I’ve been making use of Blender more to render out the environments. Since its a YSG it’s not going to be a huge map or anything but there will be a good number of moody subterranean corridors. I really am enjoying making the little transition animations too I think they definitely add to the sense of place

Also, it's really fun to sculpt weird flesh creatures? Please pay no mind to this man's gumby like body, I don't think he'll actually end up in the game.

But more about the video, I’m hoping to have a lot of environmental-y storytelling through games of cleaning up a place. You can find a lot of stuff shifting through dirty rooms!

I have found so far my process of setting up the framework of the game a lot easier than it was with The Well, probably because I am re-using a lot of bits of the old framework here and there and re-applying them in different ways. Gamemaker Studio 2 is really great for that sort of fast prototyping.

Before I settled on Growing My Grandpa I had another idea for a YSG rolling around based on use of a phone to communicate. You the player would shift around environments but only through your creepy conversations on the in-game phone.

I didn't get super far with it but I like the graphical style.


My next post will be about Ruins Of The Human Temple and my progress towards wrapping it up byt the end of this month. I still believe it is very doable but I will have to resist spending excess time polishing/tweaking some assets, I swear I have done the character portraits like 500 times over now.

I hope this all is enticing to you. This next YSG I am planning on making extra creepy for the sake of the season.

Thanks so much and hope you are all doing well,





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