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This was a commission I thought I would share that used some of the techniques in the last visual tutorial. A lot of it you can see in the background - the clouds in the sky/rocks on the ground were done with some pretty quick by hand pixel art and then I applied a paper texture to them. The foreground mutant is less textured because I went through and did a lot more work by hand (it looks more "human" than what the computer can generate and then index into different colors).

I made this sort of a triptych because I kind of feel like I couldn't find the exact color palette that I wanted (or maybe I liked them all too much???). 

Anyway the textured look gives it a more painterly effect, maybe more like an old painting with a lot of grain on it, but still! I like the way it came out, especially the differing styles of the background/foreground elements.

The other pic I uploaded with this post is an example of a more obvious texture. This was early on in the commission when I was trying to figure out just what I wanted to do. In the course of my sort-of-stupid experimentation I printed out some of the background elements (i have a cheap printer+scanner and cheap printer paper, nothing fancy) and then scanned them into the computer where I then layered the printed version on top of the pixel art .png (I scaled the printed image accordingly). It came out looking like it straddled the line between an indexed image and something done by hand. It's weird! But also sort of cool...

Anyway, I'm trying to have Family Vacation done very soon, it's just sort of been a slow finish because I have sort of had a rough health month for a couple reasons, however I am over the worst of it and moving at a pretty good speed.

Thanks all for your patience and patronage. Let me know if you have any questions about anything game or art related. 





Wow really creative thought process to these styles you try! Also happy to hear you’re feeling better 👍🏼


Would you ever be interested in making a video about your process of drawing and coming up with designs for your creatures you include in your art and games ?


Oh also what game engins would you recommend for a beginner who has not the slightest idea how to code or anything game related


well I also started with no idea how to code! What I think worked for me was narrowing down exactly what kind of games I wanted to make and then seeing what engines and tools would be good for those. So when I first started I knew I wanted to make 2d games and at the time Gamemaker Studio and Gamemaker Studio 2 (the thing I use now) was really an engine that specifically was made for 2d stuff so I went with that. So after I had my engine I knew I wanted to do stuff like put a lot of text on screen so I looked into how to replicate pretty typical text drawing like you'd find an rpg and that led me to other stuff I wanted to learn like "how do I store all this text?" "how do I make a menu to select different options if I want to have some sort of question and answer system?" "How do I save that answer?" So in just focusing on the type of games I wanted to make I learned a lot more about coding games in general just because questions kept popping up that I had to learn the answer to.


That's a lot of text! I think if I were to shorten it and give you three pieces of advice it would be 1. to find a system that has good documentation and learning resources (the more popular the engine the more likely there's gonna be asking and answering questions about it) 2. Start by learning the basics and then focus more on the games you want to make. Making a small game in order to test something out you're interested in is more encouraging than studying abstract concepts. 3. Don't give up! learning to code is hard at first but I've found that once I was over a certain slump and I just finally *got* some concepts it became 100x easier


thanks! yeah I feel more inspired this month definitely!


That's a good idea for a video! I might do that for my next game


Yames... thank you. You are such an incredible artist