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Welcome, feel at ease and cleanse thyselves with thy news from the creators! This moon we get to see more to cum, take shape and show everything in a new light.


 JuggerDown has been slowly shaping up Lady Dimiscus. The feet are next in que to be shaped.


Nerada has been making awesome progress on the cutscene that is going to introduce Marcus, have a look!


 PM has been doing a ton of work on upping the presentation of the guild interior! It now has lots of skylight windows to let in much more light and a WIP version of Alda’s room!


 Pixie has conjured a more natural look for Alda, you can see the difference between the two below:


Hello Gamers, I’ve been working on so much these past 2 weeks, I don’t even know where to start haha.

Since Pixie has made lovely poses and accompanying idle loops, I put together some logic and ui and added them to the photomode! You can now pose Alda in a bunch of different ways when taking screenshots!

We have a day/night system now!

The Photomode has a convenient UI to let you take screenshots at any time of day!

Under the hood, a TON of things had to come together to make this happen. I know, it looks like all you have to do is to rotate the sun, but there’s many more layers underneath that make all of this happen.

This script is currently the heart of the day/night system. Essentially it controls a ton of different settings. Brightness and color of the sun, brightness color of the moon, brightness of the skybox, how much reflection probes should be enabled.

Currently we can only have one directional light (sun/moon) cast realtime shadow. So to have both the moon and the sun cast nice shadows, I needed to have it switch on and off depending on what is currently visible.

To handle the baked lighting, we use 2 lightprobe volumes (light balls). We can smoothly slide between them.

The new lighting system works great with interiors too!

I also made scripts to set and check the current time. Essentially we can say “between 22:00 and 04:00, enable this character”. Super happy with how the system is turning out! Hope we’re not going to hit a random technical limitation when we try to scale this system.

Speaking of Light Probes, I’ve switched our lighting system (again lol)! We now use 0 light maps! Instead we only use Lightprobes now. Whereas before, we’d bake a huuuge texture that had the baked lighting on all surfaces in the entire level on it, we now only bake the lighting on the balls seen below.

Once the baking is complete, we can then reproject the raytraced lighting information on those balls to re-light the environment. This makes our life soooo much easier! Everything in the whole game is now lit by a single lighting system, instead of having multiple 3rd party systems trying to work together.

Next up, we have a new character called Cura! She’s an elf slave to the church, just like many of the other elven slaves you’ve seen around town. But unlike them, she’s grown a little more into her new role as servant of the church than others.

Lots of Voice Acting work has already been completed for Cura and I’m so excited to have her in the next version!

To really give her the evil look we’re trying to go for, we use a new teeth model, which has the ability to have those fang-like teeth!

To pretty up the town a bit, I decided to add some greenery to break up the monotone brick-wall look a little:

And I’ve been doing some more work on an Alda animation I’d been working on a while ago. I’m considering extending the melt-bad-end with a section where you can walk around as Alda being melt-drunk, interacting with guards.

After PKing was modelling the Church Stone Reliefs, I put them right in the engine and added a little wind-sway animation for the nipple piercings!

Since we re-use the reliefs a bit throughout town, PKing also made some variants!

Thanks to JuggerDown’s amazing work, instead of the old 2d-mockup statue in the background of the city, we have this beautiful detailed 3d statue of a busty angel in the middle of the main square now, take a look!

Here’s a look at an animation that will be part of a new way to have Alda be sprayed with melt.

And here’s a super early WIP of what’s going to happen after she’s sprayed with melt.


 As previously mentioned, PKing has made some beautiful wall decorations to grace the city. Additionally there have been conjured sacred tools for use. 

You have been cleansed. There will be more cleansing to come.




I see we gonna be able to walk around while melt drunk. Will that include going back into the brothel area?


Mayyybe, it wouldn't make a crazy amount of sense with how the story works out at the moment. It'll probably be fairly limited for the moment.


So excited to see this game coming together! Any possible date for the next playable version of Erokin?


I hoping within the next month, but it's so hard to tell. We're working on so many core systems that just require a lot of time even before getting content in ^-^' Glad you're excited tho! ♥ We'll do our very best to get everything in your hands as quickly as possible!


Yaasss......Will there be any evil routes like working with Cura, cause she's looking quite seductive....


I'd love to make super evil routes. I do think that we have to have a solid amount of alda being a hero type character first though. Otherwise the player decision to abandon that will not hit as hard as it could.