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There’s nothing like this.

The soft forest breeze in my hair, the sounds of leaves rustling all around me. This was my element, nothing else compared. So peaceful and quiet, yet loud and alive. My stance is low as I creep through the foliage like a wolf on the prowl, halting just before the trees make way into a dirt road. I peek both ways and cock my head to the side, listening intently. My elven ears pick up the soft noises of birds… leaves… insects…

And horses with a carriage in tow heading straight toward me. Right on schedule. My lips curl upward into a slight smirk as I hunker down behind a nearby tree and wait for my quarry to arrive.

<Remind me why we’re doing this, Alda?>

And there’s that annoying voice in my head to ruin the peace and quiet… Dala. The succubus stuck in my mind. My smirk turns into a scowl and I let out a sigh.

“WE are not doing this. I’M doing this because I need the gold.” I whisper between my teeth.

<Wow~ Someone’s irritated. You really need some pussy… or dick… or both. I’ll find us some. Just let me take over for a bit.>

“No- What I need is for you to get out of my head. I’m an elf! I’m not a succubus like you!”

<Oh lighten up. Have some fun for once!>

I growl under my breath and turn my attention back down the road. The carriage is in sight now, carrying thugs with swords. Two in front and one in the back.

<Two in the front and one in the back, huh? Just how I like it.>


<Your client said to take these goons out and take the carriage back to her right? Well just let me take control and I can take care of them easily.>

“I can take three guys…”

<Yes you can, babe~ But not the way you’re thinking.>

Flashes of images start to appear in my mind’s eye. Images of my legs spread while cocks fill my pussy and ass, thrusting in and out of me while the one in my mouth starts to-

I shake my head and squeeze my legs tight together, biting my lip as warmth radiates through me. My body can’t help but shiver in need as I take a breath to steady myself, feeling my whole face start to blush up.

<You must be so red right now, if only we could find a mirror.>

“W-Would you quit that! I need to concentrate on the-”

I peek back down the road, the carriage is gone. My slender ears perk up as I hear clopping behind me, I turn around and let out a frustrated groan. The carriage had already passed by and was heading away from me.


My legs kick into high gear, chasing after the carriage down the road. Now I’m in full view, no more element of surprise. The thug on the back of the carriage locks their eyes on me, nudging one of his friends in front and pointing at me. Suddenly the carriage starts to go faster, I won’t be able to keep up with it at the speed it’s going now.

“This… is… ah- your fault!” I manage to gasp out past my lips as I keep trying to sprint after it.

<Oh, gimme a break. If you didn’t like it, you wouldn’t have been so distracted by it. Now give me control so I can handle this for you.>

“I- can handle this- myself!”

My teeth grit as I reach down to my belt for my grapple hook, pointing it toward the carriage and aiming down the sight while I keep running forward.

<Don’t miss!>

“I never miss.”

I pull the trigger. BANG. The hook fires out and slams into the back of the carriage, biting its way into the wood and securing itself.

<”I never miss?” Darling, we have got to get you better material.>

“Would you shut- eep!”

The rope of the grapple hook suddenly yanks me forward, hurtling me toward the carriage. I click the trigger of the grapple one more time, returning the hook to me while my momentum carries me forward. The thug’s eyes widen as he sees me fly toward him, unable to even yell before my body slams into him and sends him flying off the carriage. I land on my feet in the back of the carriage with sword drawn and glare down at the two remaining goons in front of me.


They both look at each other, then back at me, before laughing and standing up while they draw their swords.

“There’s two of us and only one of you!” The one on my left says as he brandishes his sword.

“If only…” I murmur under my breath as I get into a ready stance.

<What’s that supposed to mean?>

That slight smirk crosses my lips again as my eyes scan over the two of them, waiting for them to make a move. The one on the right makes a lunge toward me and I quickly raise my sword to parry it, the sounds of clashing metal ringing out through the trees as we speed by. Now the other thug is moving up on me, trying to get some slashes in while I’m dealing with his friend. I quickly move my sword over to block his attack, swinging upward to knock the sword out of his hand. His blade sails high, flying over both their heads and sinking into the left wooden bar of the carriage… right through one of the ropes connecting it to the horses.

<That’s not good. Who’s driving this thing again?>

The carriage leans down on one side, slowing down substantially as the wood bar that used to be connected to the horses starts digging into the ground. The three of us stumble toward the front of the carriage as our momentum carries us forward. I use the opportunity to try and slash at the unarmed goon. He notices and stumbles out of the way of my sword, tripping over the edge of the carriage and falling onto the moving ground below.

<Oof, he’s gonna feel that in the morning.>

While I’m slashing at his unarmed friend, the last goon clangs his sword against mine, forcing it out of my hand and sending it flying off into the foliage. I clench my fist and glare up at him while he just winks at me and smiles as he steps closer with his sword.

<Alda… Let me take over. Don’t be stubborn.>

“No…” I spit through my gritted teeth.

“Oh yes.” The goon responds, raising his arm to slash his sword at me. I quickly duck under the blade and roll forward past him to the front of the carriage, turning back toward him and standing ready with fists upraised.

<Alda! You’re being crazy now! Give me control!>

“Say goodbye!” He exclaims with a smile as he slashes his sword down at me. Right before his blade grazes my skin, I dodge out of the way and crash onto my back on the carriage floor. His sword slashes downward where I used to be, slashing right through the last rope holding the carriage to the horses. My hand quickly reaches for my grapple hook and I shoot it into the wood of the floor, holding on for dear life as I smirk up at him.

“Goodbye,” I say simply. He scowls at me right before he gets launched forward off the carriage as it slams into the ground and comes to a quick stop. My body slams painfully into the wall of the carriage, but I manage to stay on board with the help of the grapple hook. I click the trigger again and clip the grapple back to my belt before slowly pushing myself back to my feet and holding my sore arm with a quiet pained groan.

<You… You’re insane. You know there are two of us in here right?>

My eyes scan the scene while I quietly ignore Dala, looking over the ruined carriage, the horses running away in the distance, and the knocked-out man on the road in front of me. I let out a soft little sigh and drop down beside the carriage, opening the lower door and searching around inside.

<What are you doing?>

“Well I can’t exactly drive the carriage back, can I? Obviously, the client wanted something on-board. So I just have to find it.”

<And what if you can’t carry it back?>

I ignore her and keep digging through the boxes inside, they’re all filled with food, weapons, just useless junk.

<They must have stolen all of this from our client->

“My client.”

<Whatever. But why would she care about all this? She can just buy more with all the gold she’s got.>

I roll my eyes in frustration but pause when I catch sight of a particularly shiny necklace with a jewel in the middle, stuck in the ceiling.

“Unless it’s something she can’t replace with money,” I murmur as I reach up to grab it and examine it.

It has all sorts of detailed engraving in the metal with something written on the back of it. I squint my eyes to look closer at it.

<”To my dearest love. Always yours: Liv.” Huh. Looks like we have a winner. Guess our client has a special someone out there.>

“MY clie-” I pause mid-sentence as my ears perk up, hearing the distinct noise of incoming horses. I pocket the necklace in one of my pouches and peer out of the open door toward the source of the sound.

“Shit.” I hiss under my breath.

Several horses have gathered just a close distance away from the carriage. They’re adorned in armor with crosses emblazoned in bright gold. Riding on top of them are various lightly armored soldiers, all gathered around one much bigger soldier wearing big heavy plate armor with those same crosses shining in bright gold on the shoulder plates.

“It’s the Church.”

<Church? Sweetie, just let me take over.>

“No! They’re with the Church! That means they are very much anti-everything-to-do-with-you! Plus that big one’s an Enforcer. We’ve got to get out of here.”


I narrow my eyes and let out a little sigh, putting on a fake smile as the Church soldiers start to approach.

“Fuck. Too late to run…” I murmur under my breath.

<Give me the reins. I can handle this.>

“Everything alright here, miss?” The large Enforcer asks in a deep feminine voice as she approaches me, taking off her helmet to reveal a furry cat-like face with stripes like a tiger.

<Mee-yow, a Neko! Been a while since I had some pussy pussy.>

“Uhh… Yeah, everything’s perfectly fine here!” I say with a light blush.

One of the wheels on the carriage finally gives way and collapses, causing the whole thing to slump noisily to its side. The Enforcer glances over at it, before bringing her cold gaze back down to me. It’s only now that I’m noticing how tall she is, towering over me with well over seven feet tall of solid muscle and armor… Wow.

<Oh. My. Goodness. Do you have a thing for taller women? I can feel you getting all excited.>

“Not helping…” I barely manage to squeak out under my breath.

“Excuse me?” The tall tiger woman asks, reaching over me and grabbing the goon’s sword that was stuck in the wooden bar of the carriage.

“What’s this?” She asks as she holds the blade toward me, the tip of it pausing right in front of my face between my eyes.

“It’s a uh… sword.” I respond lamely.

<You DO have a thing for tall women! You can barely speak! Haha!>

“Yes, I know, girl. How did it get there?”

“Uhh… Well I uh… had a uh… accident? Sword must have fallen out of my holster.”


She grabs my holster, causing my heart to skip a beat. When she tries to slide the sword back in, it doesn’t fit.

“Uh-huh… And what’s that guy over there doing?”

The Enforcer brandishes the sword toward the knocked-out thug laying on the road.

“Oh- uh, well that’s my friend er… Jim…?”

She narrows her eyes down at me and I can’t help but squirm a little under her gaze.

“You’re lying.” Suddenly, she grabs me by the neck and lifts me up, slamming me against the side of the carriage and slamming the sword into the wood beside my head.

<Come on! Give me control! I- Wait- You’ve got a choking kink too? OH MY!>

My face lights up red and I let out a whimper as I try to grab at the hand on my neck, not able to do much but squirm and smack weakly at her arm. She leans in close to my face and lets out a loud huff. I can hear the soldiers laughing at the display, furthering my humiliation-

<No way you have a humiliation kink too! We are learning so much about sweet little Alda today!>

Trying my best to stay conscious, I raise my fist and punch her in the face as hard as I can. She doesn’t even budge, acting as if I just barely caressed her cheek. I can see a little smile starting to form on her lips as she takes her free hand and presses it into my trousers. All I can feel are her fingers feeling around for my front entrance as I let out the rest of my breath in a sharp surprised yelp.

<Finally some action! Ahh~ That’s nice~>

Soon the fingers find their target, rubbing around my pussy for a short time before she pulls her hand free and holds her fingers between our faces. She turns her gaze away from my eyes to look at her fingers and my gaze follows while my vision starts to darken.

<Uh oh~>

Her fingers are absolutely drenched in my horny juices. She lets out a rough grunt and wipes her fingers off on my face before dropping me to the ground at her feet. I keel over, gasping for breath as my vision starts to return to me.

<Give me control, choke-lover.>

Ugh… Dala’s not gonna let me forget about this one anytime soon. I try to push myself up to my feet, but the Enforcer puts her foot on me to hold me down… Fuck…

<Oh for… Just marry this woman and get it over with already!>

“For crimes of attempted robbery and public arousal, you are hereby under arrest by the authority of the Church.” She leans down and presses her foot down into me, causing a little groan to slip out of my mouth.

<Alda! Please! If they take us to jail, we’re done! At least do something if you’re not going to let me!>

I grit my teeth and reach down for my grapple hook, turning my head and quickly firing it at one of the other soldiers. The sharp yank of the grapple is enough to pull me out from under the huge woman’s foot, pulling me toward the poor soldier with the hook in his chest. I climb on top of his shoulders and leap up into the air above all of them, returning the hook with one last trigger press. I don’t have any options left, I’ve got to-


Her warmth starts to radiate through my body, burning hotter and hotter like a fire that sends tingles through my spine. I can feel my body changing, horns growing from my head, hair growing longer, glowing tattoos etching themselves into my skin. My tingling spine starts to elongate, growing into a dark tail that curves out from my rear. It punches a hole through my trousers as they start to shrink down into a thong, my jacket shrinking down into a bikini top and squeezing my growing breasts tight. Finally, her wings grow from my back, spreading open and beating hard to keep us in the air.

“Ah~ It’s good to be back in the saddle.” Dala murmurs, now in full control of our body.

<Now take care of these guys!> I yell in our head, only able to observe and feel.

“Gladly~” She licks her lips and slams down into the ground, sending the soldiers backward onto their backs with an explosion of magical energy.

“It’s the succubus! Get her!” The Enforcer exclaims, drawing her large claymore with both hands.

“Oh please! Succubus is suuuch a derogatory term! We’re called Erokin, hot lips.” Dala responds with a smile, lunging toward one of the soldiers and slapping their helmet clean off before leaning in for a deep tonguing kiss. I can feel the pain and soreness of our body easing away as Dala has her way with the soldier. Their arms go limp and they drop their weapons as she pulls away from the kiss and raises her hand toward one of the other soldiers rushing toward us.

“Besides, the only thing you’re gonna be calling me when I’m done with you is ‘mistress’!”

She shoots a burst of energy toward the soldier from her palm, stopping him in his tracks and sending him flying behind the carriage out of view. Dala glances back toward the Enforcer and winks.

“Maybe if you’re lucky I’ll let you call me ‘mommy’.”

The huge woman lets out a frustrated growl and slams her helmet back on, charging toward us with her massive sword raised. Dala turns her head and notices the other soldiers rushing us from behind as well.

“Now, now. I know I’m hot, but we need to form a nice orderly line when we want some fun with the sexy Erokin.”

She turns her gaze back to the Enforcer and lunges forward, sliding along the ground between the large woman’s legs.

“Now about this armor…”

Dala charges up another blast of energy in her palm and sends it upward right into the Enforcer’s crotch plate as she slides under the woman’s legs. As the ancient magic hits the metal, the plate starts to glow bright yellow, deflecting the blast back at us painfully. Dala lets out a pained yell as she rolls onto her stomach, dazed and confused.

“W-What the hell was that?”

The Enforcer turns and lets out a sharp yell as she raises her massive claymore and starts to bring it down toward us.

<Dala! Her sword! Watch out!>

With a light grunt, Dala shoots blasts from both her hands to shoot us backward away from the sword just in time. She pushes herself to her feet and lets out a little chuckle.

“Nice getup, tin can. Gonna make it even sweeter when I strip it off of you.”

The Enforcer shoulders her claymore and points at us.

“You’ll find that the Church has come readily prepared for succubus vermin like you! Have fun trying to use your eromagi on me. You’re going to be calling ME mommy by the end of this.”

“Aww, hear that Alda? I think she likes you.” Dala murmurs with a little chuckle.


The Erokin smiles and raises her hands again, firing blast after blast at the Enforcer, but nothing is working. She just keeps coming toward us relentlessly. After a few more long minutes of fighting, Dala pauses for breath, but the Enforcer just keeps coming.

“Give up yet, succubus?”

“I was just about to ask you the same thing.” Dala replies with a sly chuckle, preparing for more.

<This isn’t working.>

“I can handle this, sweetie.”

<No, listen to me. You’ve got to come at this from a different angle.>

“Okay, okay. How then?”

<That Enforcer isn’t going to go down from you just blasting her.>

“Yeah, I noticed.”

<So deal with the other soldiers. Then focus on the Enforcer.>

“Oh I’ll deal with them alright~ Mm mm mm~”

<Just get on with it!>

Dala smirks and licks her lips, turning her attention to the two other soldiers rushing toward us.

“Looks like it’s your lucky day then, boys~”

She lunges toward one of them, flipping them onto their back and pressing her knee against their neck.

“Let’s see what’s behind curtain number one~”

With a chuckle, she tears away the soldier’s crotch plate and peers down between their legs at their revealed womanhood.

“Oh~ Looks like pussy’s back on the menu~ Guess we shouldn’t assume these things with nameless soldiers, huh~?”

Dala smiles and leans down to press her lips against the woman soldier’s nether region, her tongue elongating and snaking its way down inside of her. I can feel every bit of the woman’s walls with Dala’s huge tongue… She tastes good. All I can hear are moans and pleasured grunts from the soldier as she gets tongue-fucked by Dala. I start to lose myself in the warmth of it all…

“Oh ah dibn forgeb aboub boo~” The Erokin manages to babble out with her tongue buried inside the woman, turning her eyes up toward the other soldier still rushing toward us. She flicks their sword away with a snap of her fingers and forces them to their knees. Another flick and this soldier’s crotch plate is torn away as well, revealing a half-stiff cock. Dala trails her fingertip up along the underside of it, making it instantly hard and ready with pre-cum drooling down from the tip.

<Dala… Enforcer…> I barely manage to collect myself enough to think.

“Mmmhm~” She hums softly, causing her tongue to vibrate inside the woman below her. She turns her head and pulls her tongue free from the warm pussy, licking her lips as she notes the Enforcer charging toward us.

“Succubus! Face me!”

“Oh I’ll get to you pussycat, don’t you worry. Right now mama’s hungry~”

Dala flips over and wraps her legs around the male soldier’s thighs, forcing him onto his back as she pulls the female soldier over on top of him so she’s facing him. Then she grabs the woman’s hips and eases them upward to bring her ass to her face. The Erokin winks at the Enforcer as her wings fold out and start beating hard to pull us and her two play-partners up into the air. Working hard to keep us airborne, but still slowly losing altitude.

“Not a lot of time, come here~” She murmurs as she tightens her legs on the man under her, reaching down to ease her thong aside and guide his cock inside her… us… My senses are overwhelmed with the pleasure of having her… my… pussy filled. Dala starts to work her thighs, forcing the man meat in and out of us as she turns her attention to the womanhood in front of us. Using her tongue, she starts to tease the woman’s folds, lapping at them and easily finding her sensitive bud without the need for searching. With a soft sigh of pleasure, she alternates between tonguing the woman’s bud and licking around inside her.

Meanwhile, her legs keep working overtime to force the cock in and out of us. I can feel it twitching and pulsing inside us, pushing up against our tight walls. My usually acute hearing is now just flooded with the sounds of moans and lewd groaning, occasionally punctuated with the yells of the Enforcer below us trying to goad us into fighting.

After what seems like an eternity of hot loud sex, I start to feel both of them quivering under us. Dala smirks and continues her conquest, making sure to balance them both so that they’ll both finish at the same time. Eventually, this is too much for them, and they both start to explode into heavy moans as she squirts into our mouth and he squirts inside us. I can feel the tense warmth welling up inside us, she feels it too… She clenches up our body and-

It’s the most euphoric feeling I’ve ever felt, pleasure radiating through my entire being. I can’t even begin to describe it. I’m lost in it. My consciousness struggles to stay lucid after what feels like forever. I can feel Dala’s feelings, they’re so warm… peaceful and…  quiet, yet loud and alive. Finally, she sets the soldiers down on the ground and lands down beside them, making a show of dusting herself off as her wings fold back behind her.

“Now where were we~?” She says as she wags her eyebrows and smiles at the Enforcer. The large woman lets out a yell and starts charging towards us.

“Still alive in there, Alda?”

<Err, yep!>


<Well you need to get that armor off.>


<So just try pulling it off like what you did with those other soldiers.>

She nods and turns her attention back to the Enforcer charging us, getting ready for the incoming attack. Once the woman reaches us, she starts to slash down with her sword and Dala sidesteps it before lunging forward to grab at the crotch plate.


Ouch! Burning! Hot! Dala recoils away from the white-hot armor and cradles her stinging hands, then suddenly WHAM! The Enforcer backhands us and sends us flying back, crashing inside the carriage.

“Fucking ow…” She groans, waving her hands in the air as she watches through the hole we left behind in the carriage wall toward the Enforcer cockily strolling toward us.

<So that didn’t work.>

“No shit?”

<I’ve got an idea.>

“Oh, another one, huh? Wonderful!”

<We need to work together.>

“Oh really? Like you’re not gonna just lock me away in this head again once you’ve got control.”

<Dala! There isn’t going to be a head to be locked in if we don’t do something together here!>

The Enforcer is getting closer and closer, time is running out. We’re close enough now to see her eyes behind the helmet watching us.

“... Together?”


She nods and closes her eyes, letting go of our body. I can feel the horns and hair shrink, the tattoos fading away. The tail starts to shrink away as well, along with the wings. The thong and bikini start to grow back into my regular jacket and trousers, my belt and grapple hook returning to where they were.

<Your grapple hook!>

I nod and reach down for it, aiming it at the Enforcer through the hole in the carriage and pulling the trigger. The hook flies true and lodges itself right into her breastplate. She looks down at it and lets out a loud growl in frustration.

<Hang on tight…>

The hook starts to pull, yanking me forward into the wall of the carriage. I spread my legs and catch my feet on either side of the hole, holding on tightly as the hook starts to now pull on the armor of the Enforcer itself.

<It’s working!>

The winch of the grapple hook starts to struggle with the sheer mass it’s trying to pull now, starting to squeak and whine as it’s pushed to its limit. It’s starting to slow to almost a crawl.


Just as I thought the grapple hook was going to give out, the Enforcer’s front armor plate pulls clean off. Leaving her torso naked and fully exposed. She stumbles forward and lets out a sharp gasp as she realizes what just happened, looking up at me.

“Succubus filth.” She spits out with a glare.

“Actually, we’re called Erokin. Succubus is a derogatory term.” I say before relaxing my hold on our body for Dala to take over.

<She’s all yours.>

“Aww shucks~” Dala says as she lunges toward the exposed Enforcer, latching her lips onto one of the larger woman’s breasts, suckling away at them while her fingers twirl away at the woman’s entrance, teasing her and promising more with her movements. The Enforcer almost immediately flops onto her back, no longer willing to fight. Once she’s dealt with, I feel the warmth fade away once again as Dala gives our body back to me, my elven features replacing her erokin ones. I cough awkwardly and pull my lips away from the woman’s nipple, pushing myself to my feet.

“Phew. That was easy.” I say lightly, stretching my muscles.

<... I may have left a surprise behind for you.>


Suddenly the Enforcer reaches up and grabs me by my neck, slamming me down onto the ground and knocking the wind out of me as she climbs on top, completely pinning me under her weight.

“Oh.” I manage to croak out from under the woman’s hand on my windpipe.

<Have fun, babe~ I know I will~>

“I need you, little elf…” The woman growls into my ear, sending shivers down my spine as I squirm under her. She moves her hand from my neck and starts yanking my jacket open, forcing my breasts free and squeezing them in her large hands. I let out soft little yelps as her fingers trail their way across my nipples, teasing them in slow circles while her free hand trails lower and lower. Her hand grips my trousers in a tight fist, yanking them down off of me and exposing my nethers to the cool forest air.

“A-Ah! F-Ffff…” All I’m able to manage out are little gasps and moans, my weakened mental being completely taken over by her touches and advances. Her hand returns to my throat as she adjusts her legs to intertwine with mine, starting to powerfully grind herself against me. I glance up at her and stifle moans through gritted teeth as I gaze at her with doe eyes. With a smirk, she continues groping my breasts while our nethers rub together over and over. It’s almost starting to become too much for me. I feel that warmth radiate up in me again, not as intense as when Dala was in control. Hot, but still manageable. My body clenches up as I let that feeling wash over me, my thighs quivering as I let out a heavy moan and cum hard.

The woman flops onto her back, snoozing peacefully. I try to move, but my legs physically won’t let me. With a light satisfied sigh, I simply lay there and gaze up at the sky, still tangled up with the amazonian cat woman who just a few minutes ago was trying to kill me.

<Did you have fun?>

“... Yes…  For once.”

<Atta girl.>

After a few minutes of recovery, I slowly start to untangle myself and stand up, grabbing my clothes and pulling them back on.

“Well, want control now?” I ask, smiling lightly.

<No, I don’t wanna walk all the way back.>

“Oh yeah? Well, what if I don’t want to walk either?”

<You’re bluffing. I know you enjoy it.>

“... Correct.”

<Plus we need to have a little talk about all these newly discovered kinks of yours.>

“Ah- No. Let’s just get back to our client.”

<Our client?>

I let out a little chuckle and shake my head lightly, heading off through the forest back to town for the next adventure.

There’s nothing like this.



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