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Hello, everyone!

We wanted to update you a bit on what we've been working on these last 30~ days since the last release of Welcome to Erosland.

As we announced a couple of weeks ago, Iono will be the new girl in the park. With her, will come some of her 'beast friends', so they will need a place to stay: The Barn. Iono will be the only one working at the barn in the beginning, but eventually, all the main girls in the park will join her.

We also want to introduce another attraction in this update. We will tell you more about that soon. :)

Additionally, Kaisa will reach her Awakened level 50 and unlock more jobs for her.

These are just a few things we have prepared for you in v0.0.9. Regarding the release date, we don't have one, yet. However, we don't like to extend the time between releases to more than 3 months at max. That means that we want to release v0.0.9 before April or just at the start of April.

We'll show just a bit of art of what's too come soon. (Without spoiling too much, of course!)



The artwork in your games is excellent and i cant wait to play the update when its ready.