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Hi guys!

Well, here we go, 0.3 is live! : )


- Now Janna can talk with Sue at a specific time to get ready for a new job! (No new job scenes, yet, though!)

- Janna can visit the Clothing store and meet a new character.

- New scenes can be unlockable with the new character.

- New outfit for Janna!

- Now you can chitchat with Roxanne and Ronald in the slums. The dialogues unlock depending on which point of the story you are or other kind of requisites. (Work in progress)

- New little dialogue in the showers.




Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks a lot for your support, love you all!



A little bug. If you press tab (and in the settings you have to continue skipping after making a choice) when you go to clean with skipping activated (tab) then you will be sent to the main menu . Just thought I would warn you :)


Thanks! Someone reported something similar in the same place, I'll look it up!


Cool! Just when I was wondering about a new version! Love you guys


Hello PiXel Games, i Really love the game, i mean its just so good! One question: Is the game (at the current state) Stoping in the endless loop of going into the undeground and going to sleeping? or did i miss something? Also at what rates are you guys able to put out Updates? Cause, how i allready told you, i really like the game!


Hi Jan! The last version of the game ends when Janna receives the maid outfit from Valentine, and after a couple of scenes in the shower :) We update the game every month and a week or so. Thanks for your words!


Allright, yes i got as far as the maid outfit and the shower :D Keep going, great work!!


can we get a release date for the next update? i can't wait anymore XD i love this game


Hey! We're glad you love it We're going to give the next update to 10$ Patrons in a couple of days, so expect the public release around 12th of this month :)


excuse me, the fact that the new patch is 0.3.5 and not 0.4 means that is a small patch? maybe a bug fix etc.? or there are new scenes?


Just a number. Actually, is one of our biggest updates ;p It's just that the main story doesn't advance that much.


oh haha good, i like that you re active and answer all questions, thanks ;)


Curious if you changed the rewards for patreons. On the 10$ you say 1 week before public release, but it's already over that so did you improve the rewards for patreons or just a delay? Either way great work, specially since you guys aren't from a native english country :)


We released it for 10$ patrons last Tuesday evening,later than we thought :( Expexct the publicado release tomorrow evening then :)